Decoronation as Alveolar Ridge Preservation Technique: a Case Report
Objectives: To present a case whereby a decoronation technique was used to preserve the alveolar ridge. Methods: A 15-year-old girl came to the University clinic referred by her own dentist in 2017. The girl was in good health, had no allergies and took no medication. The patient presented a pink spot in tooth 1.2 causing esthetic complaints. After an initial clinical and radiological examination, tooth 1.2 responded sensitive to cold and negative to percussion tests. There was a normal healthy pulp and normal periapical tissues. The diagnosis was an external cervical resorption that probably arose during tooth eruption of the permanent teeth due to pressure of the upper canines on the lateral incisors. According to the Heithersay classification, the external cervical resorption can be classified as class IV. According to Patel's three-dimensional classification, it can be classified as 3Bp. Since the external cervical resorption was too advanced to be treated, a ‘watchful waiting’ approach was chosen. Further follow-up appointments were conducted in 2018 and 2019 but, due to progression of the lesion, the tooth had to be extracted. After interdisciplinary discussion, the patient opted to decoronate the tooth rather than extract it, so the alveolar ridge could be preserved until the patient reached the age for an implant. Results: A decoronation technique is often suggested as a treatment option for teeth that have signs of ankylosis. In the treatment options of external cervical resorption, this is often not cited as a possible treatment while this technique can provide preservation of the alveolar ridge. Conclusions: The case highlights decoronation as a possible treatment option in advanced external cervical resorption cases whereby implant treatment is not yet possible.
2021 Continental European and Scandinavian Divisions Meeting (Brussels, Belgium, Hybrid) Brussels, Belgium, Hybrid
2021 0172 Clinical Case Reports
D'hoore, Alice
( KU Leuven
, Leuven
, Belgium
Van Der Veken, Dominique
( KU Leuven
, Leuven
, Belgium
Vanhecke, Anne-céline
( KU Leuven
, Leuven
, Belgium
Pedano De Piero, Mariano Simón
( KU Leuven
, Leuven
, Belgium
Lambrechts, Paul
( KU Leuven
, Leuven
, Belgium
Poster Session ALL VIRTUAL
Clinical Case Reports (all scientific fields)