IADR Abstract Archives

Micro- and Nano-Scale Observations of Fluorosis Enamel

Objectives: This study aims to characterize mild and severe fluorosis enamel, using SEM and AFM observations at different depth of preparation and following different etching treatments.
Methods: Sixty permanent incisors were collected and divided into three different groups (n=15 sound teeth, n=27 mild fluorosis, n=26 severe fluorosis). In each group, one representative maxillary incisor was chosen and its buccal face was partially prepared to a controlled depth of 0.4 mm using a calibrated bur. Then, the buccal face was divided into four areas: one kept as control (Ctrl) and the three others prepared with different etching treatments (H3PO4 30 s (OPA30), H3PO4 90 s (OPA90), H3PO4 30 s + NaOCl 30 s (OPA30SH)). Subsequently, the surfaces were observed with SEM and AFM. Roughness Average (Ra) measurements were obtained from AFM observations.
Results: The SEM observations revealed etching patterns of various types. In the four superficial enamel areas, type 3 and 4 were observed in both fluorosis teeth. The prepared enamel areas in the mild fluorosis tooth showed patterns of type 2 after all three etching treatments. However, the demineralization of the interprismatic substance was more noticeable in OPA30-zone and OPA30-SH. In the severe fluorosis tooth, type 3 pattern was observed in the OPA90-zone, whereas OPA30SH-zone and OPA30-zone showed type 2 pattern with the slight dissolution of the interprismatic substance.
According to AFM, the highest Ra values were measured in the prepared areas, after the OPA30 treatments. Means of 2.45µm (SD 0.48) and 2.64µm (SD 0.73) were measured for mild and severe fluorosis tooth respectively. The lowest Ra values were measured in the superficial areas treated with OPA30SH (O.11µm (0.04) and 0.24 (0.03) for mild and severe fluorosis). All Ra values were higher in the fluorosis teeth compared to the sound tooth, whatever the depth.
Conclusions: Within the limits of our study, as observed with SEM and AFM, the different etching patterns of the superficial surfaces did not offer micro-interlocking favorable aspects, whereas the deepest surfaces (0.4 mm) showed favorable enamel etching patterns. According to the Ra measurements and among all tested etching treatments, the conventional H3PO4 30 sec can be recommended as it showed the highest roughness.

2021 Continental European and Scandinavian Divisions Meeting (Brussels, Belgium, Hybrid)
Brussels, Belgium, Hybrid
Mineralized Tissue
  • Mouhibi, Abdallah  ( University Hassan II , Casablanca , Morocco )
  • Kharouf, Naji  ( INSERM U 1121 , Strasbourg , France )
  • Antz, Youri  ( INSERM U 1121 , Strasbourg , France )
  • Jamal, Hamdi  ( UMR 7357 , Strasbourg , France )
  • Zghal, Jihed  ( LEME , Paris , France )
  • Andoh, Abderrahman  ( University Hassan II , Casablanca , Morocco )
  • Etienne, Olivier  ( INSERM U 1121 , Strasbourg , France ;  University of Strasbourg , Strasbourg , France )
  • NONE
    Poster Session ALL VIRTUAL
    Mineralized tissue