IADR Abstract Archives

Reliability of Orthopantomograms for Detecting Tooth Status in Adults

Objectives: To assess the reliability of orthopantomograms for detecting healthy, decayed, filled, missing or unerupted teeth in adults.
Methods: Ten randomly selected depersonalized orthopantomograms were assessed twice within two weeks interval by two dental students. Each tooth status was examined and scored as follows: ‘0’ – healthy (H), ‘1’- missing (M), ‘2’ – decayed (D), ‘3’ – filled (F), ‘4’ – unerupted (U). Then, students independently assessed 170 orthopantomograms. Kappa statistics were used to assess the inter- and intra-observer reliability.
Results: In total, 320 teeth were assessed for intra-observer reliability, which resulted in kappa values of 0.972 and 0.944.Observer 1 showed disagreement in: 2 cases in D-H, 1 in H-D, 1 in F-D, and 1 in F- H groups. Observer 2 showed disagreement in: 3 cases in D-H and 7 cases in F-D groups. For inter-observer reliability, 5312 teeth were assessed. Kappa value was 0.894. Disagreement in assessment between observers were as follows: 173 in F-H, 107 in F-D, 54 in D-H, 18 in M-F, 10 in M-H, 1 in U-D, 3 in F-U groups, 3 in U-H and, 1 in D-M.
Conclusions: Intra-observer and inter-observer reliability was assessed as almost perfect. There are indications that orthopantomograms may be reliable for detecting tooth status in adults. Studies with higher number and different background observers are needed to validate these results.

2021 Continental European and Scandinavian Divisions Meeting (Brussels, Belgium, Hybrid)
Brussels, Belgium, Hybrid
Diagnostic Sciences
  • Naktinis, Lukas  ( Vilnius University , Vilnius , Lithuania )
  • Raškevičius, Paulius  ( Vilnius University , Vilnius , Lithuania )
  • Stankeviciene, Indre  ( Vilnius University , Vilnius , Lithuania )
  • Puriene, Alina  ( Vilnius University , Vilnius , Lithuania )
  • Stangvaltaite-mouhat, Lina  ( The Arctic University of Norway , Tromsø , Norway ;  Oral Health Centre of Expertise in Eastern Norway , Oslo , Norway )
  • NONE
    Oral Session IN PERSON
    Thursday, 09/16/2021 , 10:30AM - 12:15PM