IADR Abstract Archives

Osteomeatal Complex Variations in Pediatric Patients Using CBCT

Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between osteomeatal complex variations (OMC) and maxillary sinus pathologies in pediatric patients using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT).
Methods: CBCT images of 72 patients (44 males and 28 females) aged 7-18 years were evaluated retrospectively. The presence of nasal septal deviation (NSD), nasal septal pneumatization (NSP), concha bullosa (CB), accessory maxillary ostium (AMO), agger nasi cell (ANC), Haller cell (HC), Onodi cell (OC), ethmoid sinusitis and maxillary sinus pathologies were investigated. Maxillary sinus pathologies were classified. Correlations of OMC variations with each other, maxillary sinus pathologies and ethmoid sinusitis were investigated. The Chi-square test was used to analyze the relationships among variables and distribution of parameters.
Results: NSD was determined in 70.8%, NSP in 40.3%, ethmoid sinusitis in 75%, maxillary sinus pathology in 34.8% of the images. OMC variations rates were detected as CB 31.3%, AMO 16%, ANC 16%, HC 24.3% and OC 18.8%. The most common maxillary sinus pathology was localized mucosal thickening, with a rate of 15.3% on the right and 22.2% on the left. Statistically significant differences were determined between almost whole OMC variations with each other, and between the anatomical variations in OMC with maxillary sinus pathologies except for NSP and AMO (p < 0.05). The presence of maxillary sinus pathology and ethmoid sinusitis were more common in males (p < 0.05).
Conclusions: The anatomical variations in OMC had no significant effect on maxillary sinus pathology except for NSP and AMO. Besides, the results revealed that most of the anatomical variations in OMC were statistically significantly correlated with each other. The use of CBCT in pediatric patients is quite successful in examining OMC with its low radiation dose, low cost and high image quality compared to computed tomography.

2021 Continental European and Scandinavian Divisions Meeting (Brussels, Belgium, Hybrid)
Brussels, Belgium, Hybrid
Pediatric Oral Health Research
  • Aslan Öztürk, Elif Meltem  ( Gaziantep University Faculty of Dentistry , Gaziantep , Turkey )
  • Yalcin, Eda Didem  ( Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Dentistry , Izmir , Turkey )
  • NONE
    Oral Session IN PERSON
    Thursday, 09/16/2021 , 10:30AM - 12:15PM