IADR Abstract Archives

Structured Zirconia Surfaces as Carrier Material for Adult Neural Crest-Derived Stem Cell (NCSC) Transplantation.

Objectives: The neural crest (NC) is a stem cell population, unique to vertebrates, that arises in vertebrate embryos during nervous system formation. Interestingly, NC cells have also been isolated from various adult tissues including dorsal root ganglia, gut, heart, olfactory sheath, hair follicles and craniofacial tissue (Widera et al. 2007). These cells maintain their multipotency as they can be coaxed to differentiate into neuronal and glial cells, smooth muscle cells, melanocytes, bone cells, adipocytes, and chondrocytes. As a result, several groups have proposed their use in applications including treatment for spinal cord injury, deafness, ocular repair or periodontal regeneration (Grimm et al. 2013). However, clinical application is hampered by the need for genetic modification in reprogramming or the limited accessibility of adult tissues where they reside.
Methods: Ceramic implants are new prototype dental implants. SEM was obtained from ceramic implants for observation of the surface morphology. The chemical composition of the surface coating was analyzed with EDX. Four female Stavropol breed sheep have been used for the study (Institutional Animal Ethics Committee approval). NC Ceramic sheets have been placed into mandibular ridges for assessing the osseointegration as described by Duncan (2005). After 12 weeks, block sections were obtained from ceramic NC stem cell sheets. Qualitative histological analysis on non-decalcified sections using Technovit 9100 New with different stains and MicroCT analyses were carried out.
Results: SEM of the surfaces showed the modulation of ceramic surfaces. The results of EDX Analysis of ceramic surfaces will be demonstrated. All ceramic NC stem cell sheets showed signs of osteoconduction and integration at 12 weeks after operation. NC stem cell sheets had large masses of disorganized calcified material which appeared to be resorbed bone tissue. Lack of osteocytes has been illustrated by Tartrate-resistant acidic phosphatase (TRAP).
Conclusions: In summary, bone tissue early integration was significantly strong for the ceramic NC stem cell sheets in our mandibular sheep model 12 weeks after implant insertions.

2021 Continental European and Scandinavian Divisions Meeting (Brussels, Belgium, Hybrid)
Brussels, Belgium, Hybrid
Implantology Research
  • Grimm, Wolf  ( Witten/Herdecke University , Witten , NRW , Germany ;  Stavropol State Medical University , St. Peterburg , Russian Federation )
  • Benlidayi, Emre  ( Cukurova University , Adana , Turkey )
  • Didenko, Nikolaj  ( Stavropol State Medical University , St. Peterburg , Russian Federation )
  • Dolgalev, Alexander  ( Stavropol State Medical University , St. Peterburg , Russian Federation )
  • Enukashvily, Natella  ( North-Western State Medical University , St. Peterburg , Russian Federation )
  • Rzhepakovsky, Igor  ( North-Caucasian Federal University , Stavropol , Russian Federation )
  • Vukovic, Marco A  ( Stavropol State Medical University , St. Peterburg , Russian Federation )
  • Fritsch, Tilman  ( Stavropol State Medical University , St. Peterburg , Russian Federation )
  • None
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