IADR Abstract Archives

Oral Health Related Quality of Life During Treatment With Braces

Objectives: Dental and occlusal anomalies are quite common problems in today's society. Frequently these disorders are treated with braces. Due to uncomfortable construction, constant presence in the oral cavity, braces can affect physical, social and psychological condition of the patient. The aim of this study was to evaluate patients’ oral health related quality of life during orthodontic treatment with braces.
Methods: An original Oral Health Impact Profile questionnaire was modified. 30 questions were divided into groups: 1. functional limitations, 2. physical pain, 3. psychological discomfort, 4, physical disability, 5. psychological disability, 6. social disability and handicap. Study was approved by the ethics committee. Questionnaire survey included 340 orthodontic patients from Lithuanian University of Health Sciences and a private practice. Response rate was 94,4 % (238 woman and 83 men).
Results: The study found that patients most often (47,2%) suffered from physical pain: 82,9 % of them felt toothache, 66,4 % found it uncomfortable to eat food, 53,3 % had painful aching in mouth. 42,5 % experienced functional limitations: 93,1% had food catching in their braces and 62,6% indicated that appearance was affected. 33,7 % indicated physical disability: 81% avoided to eat some foods, 46,4% were unable to brush their teeth properly. 31,5% indicated psychological discomfort (37,4% of patients felt unhappy due to dental problems). 12,7% experienced psychological disability and in rare cases (1,3%) felt social disability and handicap.
Conclusions: Treatment with braces affect oral health related quality of life of orthodontic patients. However, only less than every second patient experienced some kind of discomfort related to treatment with braces. Toothache, difficulty eating and food catching were the most common complaints.

2021 Continental European and Scandinavian Divisions Meeting (Brussels, Belgium, Hybrid)
Brussels, Belgium, Hybrid
Orthodontics Research
  • Petrusyte, Greta  ( Vilnius University , Vilnius , Lithuania )
  • Svediene, Olga  ( Vilnius University , Vilnius , Lithuania )
  • Berlin, Vilija  ( Vilnius University , Vilnius , Lithuania )
  • NONE
    Poster Session ALL VIRTUAL