In situ Evolution Pattern of Dental Plaque Through Plaque Indices by Imaging Analysis
Objectives: This study aimed to analyse the in situ evolution of dental plaque levels for five days through several plaque indices by image analysis. Methods: An observational/longitudinal study of plaque evolution was carried out for five consecutive days in 20 subjects with good periodontal health status who did not practice any oral hygiene measure during this period. Three intraoral photographs (one front and two sides) were taken on each subject under ultraviolet light (after plaque disclosure with sodium fluorescein) at day 0 (immediately after professional cleaning), and every 24 hours until the 5th day. The plaque levels of the images were analysed using the DenTiUS Plaque software, obtaining values of the plaque area index (between 0-100), index of area per intensity (API index, between 0-100) and the growth index of area (area value/hour). Results: At the day 0, the median API index was 3.96, and this value increased significantly in the following five days (API index median range: 8.27-14.98), especially due to the increase in the area occupied by plaque (area index median range: 14.22-33.34). The growth index of plaque area decreased with the advance of the days, oscillating the median values between 0.66/h at day 1 and 0.36/h at day 5. Their patterns of evolution indicated that these subjects would need a median (IQR) of 8.13 (9.38) days to reach an area index of 100. Conclusions: The application of the DenTiUS Plaque software and its corresponding clinical indices allowed to confirm how in periodontally healthy subjects the accumulation of dental plaque for five days shows a pattern of continuous and gradual evolution, whose growth rate is heterogeneous. DenTiUS Plaque software is a promising tool for the study of the patterns of evolution of dental plaque in subjects with different clinical conditions, as well as to evaluate the effectiveness of several oral hygiene measures
Continental European and Scandinavian Divisions Meeting
2019 Continental European and Scandinavian Divisions Meeting (Madrid, Spain) Madrid, Spain
2019 0029 Diagnostic Sciences
Varas-quintana, Paulina
( Oral Sciences Research Group, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
, Santiago de Compostela
, Spain
; Health Research Institute Foundation of Santiago (FIDIS)
, Santiago de Compostela
, Spain
Aneiros-ardao, Angela
( Oral Sciences Research Group, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
, Santiago de Compostela
, Spain
; Health Research Institute Foundation of Santiago (FIDIS)
, Santiago de Compostela
, Spain
Balsa-castro, Carlos
( Oral Sciences Research Group, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
, Santiago de Compostela
, Spain
; Health Research Institute Foundation of Santiago (FIDIS)
, Santiago de Compostela
, Spain
Vila-blanco, Nicolás
( Centro Singular de Investigación en Tecnoloxías Intelixentes (CiTIUS), Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
, Santiago de Compostela
, Spain
; Health Research Institute Foundation of Santiago (FIDIS)
, Santiago de Compostela
, Spain
Carreira, Maria José
( Centro Singular de Investigación en Tecnoloxías Intelixentes (CiTIUS), Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
, Santiago de Compostela
, Spain
; Health Research Institute Foundation of Santiago (FIDIS)
, Santiago de Compostela
, Spain
Tomás, Inmaculada
( Oral Sciences Research Group, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
, Santiago de Compostela
, Spain
; Health Research Institute Foundation of Santiago (FIDIS)
, Santiago de Compostela
, Spain
Johnson & Johnson company (Grant 2016‐CE219), Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria (accreditation 2016-2019, ED431G/08, 2017-2020; Potential Growth Group ED431B 2017/029, 2017-2019; Competitive Reference Group ED431C 2017/69, and N