IADR Abstract Archives

Potential molecular and genetic mechanisms for the relationship between periodontitis and cardio-vascular disease (CVD)

Abstract Body: The relationships between periodontitis and cardiovascular disease appear to be increasingly evident. The associations have been studied in many countries over the last two decades and continue to be present. In this lecture it will be shown how various forms of cardiovascular disease phenotypes are linked with periodontal disease. Reports have found pleiotropy between periodontitis and cardiovascular diseases. The shared genetic factors suggest a mechanistic link or immunological commonalities between coronary artery disease and periodontitis. The impairment of the regulatory pathways by genetic factors may be a common pathogenic denominator of at least coronary artery disease and periodontitis. Thus, the shared genes could suggest that both conditions are sequelae of similar (the same?) aberrant inflammatory pathways. Nevertheless, and highly intriguing, the treatment of periodontitis gives positive effects on the cardiovascular system: periodontal therapy not only results in improvement of the periodontal situation, but also results in significant improvements of important and relevant clinical molecular biomarkers of the cardiovascular system. Especially in patients who already have cardiovascular diseases and in addition periodontitis, periodontal treatment is an added value for the general condition.
Continental European and Scandinavian Divisions Meeting
2019 Continental European and Scandinavian Divisions Meeting (Madrid, Spain)
Madrid, Spain
  • Loos, Bruno  ( Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA) , Amsterdam , Netherlands )
  • Symposium
    Thursday, 09/19/2019 , 10:30AM - 12:30PM