IADR Abstract Archives

Clinical Assessment of Posterior Composite Restorations` Wear: One-Year Results

Objectives: Due to the increased prevalence of parafunctions in the world population more often patients with both occlusal tooth wear and caries on posterior teeth need specific treatment decisions regarding the type of resin-based composite material for restorations. The objective of our study is to assess clinically the posterior composite restorations` wear in patients with extreme masticatory forces.

Methods: Total of 30 direct restorations by Gradia Direct Posterior (GC) were evaluated in Class I and Class II caries lesions in preselected patients (mean age 25 years) with clinical and anamnestic signs of bruxing and clenching habits at 6-month and 12-month follow-ups. The gypsum replicas of the restored teeth were prepared immediately after restorative procedure (baseline) and at every recall. Control reference points were marked on the restored occlusal surface of the gypsum models at baseline and custom-made plastic matrix were fabricated for every case. An accurate reproduction of control reference points on models at follow-ups were made by the prepared plastic guides. All replicas were digitally scanned by 3ShapeTrios. By means of CAD module of CAD-CAM system the area of the sagittal section of restoration between the reference points was measured and compared at every evaluated period. The statistical analyses was performed by SPSS 17.0, p<0.05.
Results: No statistically significant differences were evaluated in restorations` wear at 6-month and12-month recalls (χ 2 = 464.3) in comparison to the baseline data (χ 2 = 409.8). Most of the measured regions were not affected by the location of the restorations, patients’ age and gender.

Conclusions: Within the limitations of our study, all restorations made of Gradia direct posterior (GC) showed high resistance to extreme forces. Suggested method for measurement of wear resistance can be used in assessment of biomaterials and dental tissues (enamel and dentin) in various in vivo circumstances.

Continental European and Scandinavian Divisions Meeting
2019 Continental European and Scandinavian Divisions Meeting (Madrid, Spain)
Madrid, Spain
Dental Materials 8: Clinical Trials
  • Aleksandrova, Valeria  ( Faculty of Dental Medicine, Medical University - Plovdiv , Plovdiv , Bulgaria )
  • Manchorova-veleva, Neshka  ( Faculty of Dental Medicine, Medical University - Plovdiv , Plovdiv , Bulgaria )
  • Aleksandrov, Svetlin  ( Faculty of Dental Medicine, Medical University - Plovdiv , Plovdiv , Bulgaria )
  • "NONE"
    Poster Session
    Dental Materials: Clinical Trials
    Saturday, 09/21/2019 , 12:00PM - 01:00PM