IADR Abstract Archives

Accuracy of Cone Beam Computed Tomography for Diagnosing Endoperiodontitis

Objectives: The aim of the research was a comparative evaluation of the diagnostic accuracy of cone beam computed tomography and orthopantomography for diagnosing endoperiodontitis in patients aged 35–44 years with periodontal diseases.
Methods: An analysis of 75 orthopantomograms (OPG) and 75 cone-beam computed tomograms (CBCT) was performed in patients aged 35–44 years with periodontal diseases accompanied by endoperiodontitis. The diagnosis was made according to the classification of Professor L.N. Dedova (2012). It takes into account the shortcomings of the well-known classifications which enables to designate endoperiodontitis as a combined interconnected lesion of the endodontium and periodontium accompanied by inflammatory and destructive changes.
Results: The CBCT scans had sensitivity 0.95 (CI: 0.87 to 0.98), specificity 0.88 (CI: 0.79 to 0.94), positive likelihood ratio 7.89 (CI: 4.26 to 14.59), negative likelihood ratio 0.06 (CI: 0.02 to 0.16) and diagnostic odds ratio 130.17 (CI: 38.26 to 442.91).
A significant number of teeth with endoperiodontitis was detected in the CBCT images (94.7%) compared to the OPG images (12.0%) (p<0.001). The prevalence of simplex and complex endoperiodontitis was 6.7% and 4.0% according to OPG, while it was 52,0% and 29.3% relatively according to CBCT.
Symptomatic endoperiodontitis was observed in patients with perforation, resorption and vertical fracture of the tooth root. The prevalence of symptomatic endoperiodontitis was 1,3% according to OPG and 13,3% according to CBCT.
Conclusions: The research has revealed a higher diagnostic efficacy of cone-beam computed tomography compared to orthopantomography due to the availability to determine the pathways between the endodontium and periodontium.
The CBCT signs of endoperiodontitis are disintegration of the compact lamina, decrease of the height of the alveolar crest tops, osteoporosis of the interdental septa, widening of the periodontal ligament space, resorption of the alveolar bone, as well as the pathways between the endodontium and periodontium.
Continental European and Scandinavian Divisions Meeting
2017 Continental European and Scandinavian Divisions Meeting (Vienna, Austria)
Vienna, Austria
Periodontal Research - Diagnosis/Epidemiology
  • Rossenik, Nadia  ( Belarusian State Medical University , Minsk , Belarus )
  • Dedova, Ludmila  ( Belarusian State Medical University , Minsk , Belarus )
  • Denisova, Yulia  ( Belarusian State Medical University , Minsk , Belarus )
  • NONE
    Poster Session
    'CED-IADR My First Research'
    Thursday, 09/21/2017 , 11:30AM - 12:30PM