IADR Abstract Archives

Are there differences in the performance of similar composites?

Objectives: To compare polymerization shrinkage, depth of cure (DoC), microhardness (VHN), flexural strength (Fs) and modulus (Ef) of resin-based composites characterized by similar composition and indications.
Methods: Four universal composites (Gradia Anterior, Gradia Posterior, G-aenial Anterior, G-aenial Posterior; GC Corp.), one low-shrinkage posterior composite (GC Kalore; GC Corp.) and two flowable composites (G-aenial Flo and G-aenial Universal Flo; GC Corp.) were used to prepare 5 samples per group per test. Polymerization shrinkage was measured using the digital correlation method based on two cameras (Aramis GOM, Schaumburg, Germany). The DoC was measured using a modified ISO4049:2000 scrapping method in which the uncured material was removed by dissolving in ethanol. VHN was measured using a microhardness tester (Buehler Indentament 1100 series, Buehler). Fs and Ef were measured as per ISO4049:2000 in a three-point bending setup using a universal testing machine (PCE-FM200, PCE Instruments). Data were statistically analyzed using one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s post-hoc test and the paired t-test at α=0.05.
Results: G-ænial Flo and G-ænial Universal Flo had higher peripheral shrinkage (3.11±1.54% and 2.51±1.05%, respectively) and central shrinkage (0.81±0.60% and 0.98±0.61%, respectively) than other materials (p<0.05), whose shrinkage was in the range of 0.81-1.03% peripherally and below 0.5% centrally. The greatest DoC was observed for Kalore (3.56±0.16 mm). Microhardness varied between 47 and 56 VHN with significant differences between materials but no differences between top and bottom surfaces of the same material. Fs of G-aenial Universal Flo (99.15±13.83 MPa) and Ef of Kalore (5.42±0.51 GPa) and G-aenial Universal Flo (5.38±0.44 GPa) were higher compared to other materials (p<0.05).
Conclusions: Similarities in shrinkage parameters were found for universal composites as well as for flowable composites. Conversely, no clear pattern was observed in DoC, VHN, Fs and Ef between composites of similar composition and indications.
Continental European and Scandinavian Divisions Meeting
2015 Continental European and Scandinavian Divisions Meeting (Antalya, Turkey)
Antalya, Turkey
Dental Materials 7: Polymer-based Materials-Physical Properties and Performance
  • Miletic, Vesna  ( University of Belgrade , Belgrade , Serbia )
  • Manojlovic, Dragica  ( University of Belgrade , Belgrade , Serbia )
  • Milosevic, Milos  ( Innovation Center of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade , Belgrade , Serbia )
  • Mitrovic, Nenad  ( Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade , Belgrade , Serbia )
  • Sudimac, Andrea  ( University of Belgrade , Belgrade , Serbia )
  • Supljeglav, Igor  ( University of Belgrade , Belgrade , Serbia )
  • Research Grant ON172007, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia
    Oral Session
    Dental Materials: Composite, Properties - Repair
    Friday, 10/16/2015 , 01:30PM - 03:30PM