Influence of Cleaning Protocols on Bond Strength of RelyX™ Unicem 2 to Saliva Contaminated Restoration Materials
Objectives: Analyse cement bond strength to restoration materials after saliva contamination and different cleaning protocols. Methods: Materials tested were Lava™ Plus (3M ESPE), Empress® CAD and IPS e.max® CAD (Ivoclar Vivadent). Discs of the restoration materials were pretreated according to manufacturers’ instructions and divided into 10 groups (n=6): no saliva contamination (control).Remaining discs were contaminated with human saliva and submitted to different cleaning protocols:no additional cleaning, cleaning with water spray; cleaning with NaOCl 5,4% and cleaning with Ivoclean both followed by rinsing with water. Stainless steel rods (4mm diameter) were cemented onto the restoration specimen under standardized pressure (20g/mm²) using RelyX™ Unicem 2 (lightcure) according to manufacturer’s instructions . Specimen were stored for 24h (36°C,100%relative humidity) or artificially aged (5.000 thermal cycles(TC),5°C - 55°C,30sec). Shear bond strength (SBS) was measured (Zwick Z010, crosshead speed: 0.75mm/min). Data analysis using MultipleRangeTest (Fisher’s LSD; p<0.05). Results: see table. Values (MPa) within one table marked with the same superscript characters are not statistically different. Conclusions: Overall RelyX™ Unicem 2 self adhesive resin cement shows best bond strength results after saliva contamination if cleaned with NaOCl 5,4 % before rinsing with water.
Continental European and Scandinavian Divisions Meeting
2015 Continental European and Scandinavian Divisions Meeting (Antalya, Turkey) Antalya, Turkey
2015 0264 Dental Materials 1: Adhesion - Bond Strength Testing and Mechanisms