IADR Abstract Archives

Biocompatibility and Antimicrobial Effect of Demineralised Dentin Matrix Hydrogel for Dental Pulp Preservation

Objectives: Regenerating dentin and preserving pulp vitality are the two key targets for the vital pulp therapy. This study aimed to produce and evaluate a novel biomimic pulp capping agent with increased dentin regenerative activities.
Methods: Human extracted teeth were grinded and treated by using ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid solution to produce demineralised dentin matrix (DDM) particles. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to define the particle size of DDM. Collagen-I (COL-I), bone morphogenic protein-2 (BMP-2) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) were analysed in DDM by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISAs). Prepared DDM particles were added to the sodium alginate then, was dripped into a 5% (w/v) calcium chloride solution to obtain DDM hydrogel (DDMH). The eluants of both DDMH and MTA was assessed by MTT to detect their cytotoxic effect on dental pulp stem cells (DPSC). COL-I gene expression was analysed on DPSC exposed to different dilutions of material eluants by real time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR). Acridine orange staining was used to monitor the cell growth over the tested materials and agar diffusion assay was used to test the antimicrobial effect of the tested materials.
Results: Significant levels of COL-1, BMP-2 and VEGF were detected in DDM particles. MTT assay revealed that neat eluates of DDMH promoted DPSC viability, however neat eluates of MTA were cytotoxic on DPSC after 72h of culture. Moreover, DPSC were able to grow and attach to the surface of DDMH, while showed marked reduction in their number when cultured on surface of MTA as shown by acridine orange stain. COL-I gene expression was upregulated in DPSC cultured with DDMH eluates compared to those cultured with MTA eluates. DDMH had a significant antibacterial activity in comparison to MTA after 24 h incubation.
Conclusions: DDMH could be an alternative pulp capping agent for use in regenerative endodontics.

2023 British Division meeting (London, England)
London, England

Dental Materials 5: Biocompatibility, Bioengineering and Biologic Effects of Materials
  • Abd Elhamed, Nessma  ( Department of Oral Biology, Faculty of Dentistry, Mansoura University, Egypt. , Mansoura , Egypt )
  • Camilleri, Josette  ( School of Dentistry, Oral Biology, College of Medical and Dental Sciences, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK , Birmingham , United Kingdom )
  • Scheven, Ben  ( School of Dentistry, Oral Biology, College of Medical and Dental Sciences, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK , Birmingham , United Kingdom )
  • NONE
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