IADR Abstract Archives

Chronic periodontitis and decreased respiratory function: a prospective cross-sectional study.

Objectives: To investigate whether there was an association between chronic periodontitis and decreased respiratory function.
Methods: A representative sample of dentate 58-72 year-old men in Northern Ireland had a comprehensive periodontal examination. Parallel to the periodontal examination, participants completed questionnaires gathering information on their medical history, social circumstances, demographic background and tobacco use. A physical examination assessed anthropometric measures. Fasting blood samples were obtained and analysed for high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP). Spirometry measures were performed using a wedge bellows spirometer (Vitalograph S Model). The main outcome variable of interest was the percentage predicted score of the forced expiratory volume in one second (% predicted FEV1). This was obtained by comparing FEV1 to a reference value, calculated to age, gender, height, and race. Analysis included multiple linear regression with adjustment for various confounders. Systemic inflammation was investigated as a mediating pathway.
Results: A total of 1380 men were included in the analysis. The mean age of the men was 63.7 years (SD 3.0). Men were divided into quartiles based upon their mean clinical attachment level (CAL). Across CAL quartiles significant differences were observed for various measures of respiratory function. Multiple linear regression analysis showed that CAL (p<0.001), number of teeth (p<0.01), smoking (p<0.001), hypertension (p<0.001), and education years (p<0.01) were all independent predictors of % predicted FEV1. Systemic inflammation, as measured by hs-CRP, only accounted for a minor (14%) mediating pathway effect.

Conclusions: In this cohort of 58-72 year old men, chronic periodontitis significantly associated with a decreased respiratory function. This relationship remained significant after adjustment for various known confounders.
British Division Meeting
2017 British Division Meeting (Plymouth, United Kingdom)
Plymouth, United Kingdom
Periodontal Research - Diagnosis/Epidemiology
  • Winning, Lewis  ( Queen's University Belfast , Belfast , United Kingdom )
  • Patterson, Christopher  ( Queen's University Belfast , Belfast , United Kingdom )
  • Cullen, Kathy  ( Queen's University Belfast , Belfast , United Kingdom )
  • Kee, Frank  ( Queen's University Belfast , Belfast , United Kingdom )
  • Linden, Gerard  ( Queen's University Belfast , Belfast , United Kingdom )
  • The study was supported by grants from the British Heart Foundation and the Northern Ireland NHS Research and Development Fund.
    Oral Session
    Friday, 09/08/2017 , 11:30AM - 01:00PM