IADR Abstract Archives

E-Cigarette Use: an Association with Smoking Cessation Motivation and Policy Support

Objectives: This study aimed to explore factors associated with support for e-cigarette-restrictive policies amongst smokers in Great Britain (GB) ahead of the implementation of the European Union Tobacco Products Directive in May 2016. It was hypothesised that 1) e-cigarette users will have higher motivation to stop smoking than non-users; 2) e-cigarette users will be less likely than non-users to support e-cigarette-restrictive policies; 3) higher motivation to stop smoking will be associated with e-cigarette-restrictive policy support amongst e-cigarette users.
Methods: Secondary analysis of data from 1,703 smokers participating in a national, cross-sectional online survey in GB. Hypotheses were tested using an ANOVA (1) and binary and multivariable logistic regressions (2 and 3). Multivariable analyses adjusted for age, sex, region and social grade.
Results: 1) Motivation to stop smoking was higher in e-cigarettes users than non-users (p<.001), with a small effect size (partial η2=.02); 2) E-cigarette users were no more or less likely to support a ban of sales to minors (p=.310), less likely to support a ban on e-cigarette advertising (p<.001) and less likely to support e-cigarette-free enclosed public places (p<.001); 3) Higher motivation to stop smoking was associated with increased support for e-cigarette-free public places, a ban on sale to minors and a ban on advertising while adjusting for other respondent characteristics (p<.001).
Conclusions: Support for e-cigarette-restrictive policies was associated with e-cigarette use and increased motivation to stop smoking amongst adult smokers in GB, adjusting for demographics and smoking characteristics. Future research should explore support for e-cigarette-restrictive policies amongst non-smokers.
British Division Meeting
2017 British Division Meeting (Plymouth, United Kingdom)
Plymouth, United Kingdom
Behavioral, Epidemiologic, and Health Services Research
  • Kaczmarczyk, Katherine  ( University of Leeds , Leeds , United Kingdom )
  • NONE
    Oral Session
    Junior Colgates
    Wednesday, 09/06/2017 , 02:00PM - 03:30PM