IADR Abstract Archives


Syphilis is an infection of frequent sexual transmission (STI), with bacterial origin and systemic impact; due to the wide variety of clinical presentations, diagnosis is a challenge for health professionals. Its natural history develops in three stages: primary, secondary and tertiary; each of these generates systemic conditions with oral manifestations.  OBJECTIVE: Relate clinical features with laboratory values and the time of appearance of the first symptom. MATERIAL and methods: A retrospective study of medical patients records attended at the clinic of Odontology of  Rawson Hospital with a diagnosis of syphilis in the period 2015-18.  Registered type, number of oral  lesions, other systemic manifestations, gender, age, level of education, place of residence, type of relationship, association with other STI, and number of sexual partners  in the past year.  An observational, Gender, age, educational level, place of residence, association with other STI, type of sexual practice, and number of sexual partners in the last year. RESULTS: 50% of the patients had lesions in other tissues as well as the buccal mucosa, being the most frequent skin (41%), followed by faneras and other mucous membranes. In the oral cavity the most frequent elementary lesions were papules in 86% of cases, followed by the most red spots. The VDRL was negative in only 2 cases. 79% of cases delayed more than 30 days since the 1st symptom to see the hospital. There was no association between the number of sores and the VDRL  values. OR (0, 77-18, 86) p = 0.11
Argentine Division Meeting
2018 Argentine Division Meeting (Córdoba, Argentina)

Accepted Abstracts
  • Allende, Adrián Alberto  ( Cátedra de Estomatología B. Facultad de Odontología. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. )
  • Belardinelli, Paola Alejandra  ( Cátedra de Estomatología B. Facultad de Odontología. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. )
  • Fabbro, Ana María  ( Servicio de Estomatología, Consultorio de Odontología. Hospital Rawson. Córdoba. )
  • Piccioni, Octavio A  ( Servicio de Estomatología, Consultorio de Odontología. Hospital Rawson. Córdoba. )
  • Abregú, Milagros  ( Servicio de Estomatología, Consultorio de Odontología. Hospital Rawson. Córdoba. )
  • Dominguez, Emmanuel Jesús  ( Cátedra de Estomatología B. Facultad de Odontología. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. )
  • López De Blanc, Silvia Adriana  ( Cátedra de Estomatología B. Facultad de Odontología. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. )

  • Oral and Poster Presentations