IADR Abstract Archives

A "bird's eye" view on Diabetes and Periodontal disease in three Pacific Island countries (2016).

Objectives: Due to changing lifestyles, dietary patterns and lack of physical activity, Diabetes mellitus is endemic for Pacific people and now considered a health crisis in many forums. The objective is to review and higlight periodontal disease in Type 11 Diabetes mellitus.
Methods: Ten studies were carried out in four Diabetic Hub centers, namely Tonga, Nauru, Lautoka and Suva (Fiji) hub. An average of 60 participants per hub were categorized as controlled and uncontrolled type 2 diabetics, based on a cut off point of 6.5% HbA1c. Community Periodontal Index (CPI) using mean sextants affected per person was the index of measurement.
Results: Periodontal pockets of 4-5mm was highest in uncontrolled cases for Lautoka (1.5) compared to controls (1.1); while Suva recorded 6mm or more pockets as the highest score 2.4 in uncontrolled vs 1.3 in controlled group. Comparatively, a higher prevalence of periodontal disease (mean 2.7 for CPI score 4) was found in Nauru. Loss of attachment increased with age with a mean of 5.35 in Tonga. Participants with HbA1c value of more than 10% suffered more severe condition of xerostomia and an increased mean CPI scores. Level of oral health awareness was deficient and oral care was not considered important unless there was experience of pain. While oral hygiene practices were acceptable, quality of life because of missing teeth was less satisfactory
Conclusions: Diabetes is an independent risk factor for periodontitis, and negative impact on metabolic control of diabetes. Diabetic hubs are created for monitoring health checks, dietary and rehabilitative services. Significant increase of CPI 4 and CAL 2; 10% with third degree xerostomia and dental extraction were reported.Quality of life was unsatisfactory because of missing teeth. Oral health should be an integral component of special outpatient service in Pacific Diabetic Hubs.
IADR Australian & New Zealand Division Annual Meeting
2017 IADR Australian & New Zealand Division Annual Meeting (Adelaide, South Australia)
Adelaide, South Australia

Periodontal Research - Diagnosis/Epidemiology
  • King, Temalesi  ( Fiji National University , Suva , Fiji )
  • NONE
    Oral Session
    The mouth, the gateway to health
    Tuesday, 09/26/2017 , 10:30AM - 12:00PM