Objectives: In addition to sufficient mechanical properties, handling and ease of use, aesthetics are important for resin composite restorations. In order to have aesthetic restorations, not only shade matching but also material optical properties should be considered as natural tooth enamel has no light-scattering effect while dentin is strong. The light-scattering effect can be evaluated utilizing a goniophotometer. When inappropriate light-scattering effect material is chosen for shallow and/or deep cavity restorations, it can result in poor aesthetics due to optical property mismatching. Therefore, G-aenial A’CHORD was developed as a novel resin composite which is appropriate for both enamel and dentin restorations. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the light-scattering effect of restorative resin composites. Methods: G-aenial A’CHORD (GC corp.), OMNICHROMA (Tokuyama Dental corp.), Filtek Universal (3M) were evaluated in this study. Test specimens were shaped with a mold (φ15 mm X 1 mm height), light-cured by G-light Prima II Plus (GC corp.) and polished with #1000 SiC paper. The intensity of transmitted light at various angles (−90° to +90°) were measured by goniophotometer (Murakami Color Research Lab.). Results: G-aenial A’CHORD showed intermediate light-scattering effect in-between OMNICHROMA (enamel-like) and Filtek Universal (dentin-like) in Fig.1. It was considered that this light-scattering effect of G-aenial A'CHORD was caused by its composition of multiple fillers with variable particle sizes and refractive indexes. Conclusions: G-aenial A'CHORD, which has an intermediate light-scattering effect between enamel and dentin, can be expected to be applicable for aesthetic restorations in various clinical cases.