Micro-Computed Tomography Coregistration for Quantification of Silver Diamine Fluoride in Carious Lesions
Objectives: This study aims to use micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) as a non-invasive tool to detect and quantify silver after Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) application to carious lesions Methods: This in-vitro study was approved by the Institutional Review Boards of the University of California Los Angeles (IRB #19-002271). Recently extracted permanent teeth with deep carious lesions were stored in physiological saline. Three teeth were selected and treated with SDF 38% according to the manufacturer protocol. SDF was dispensed into a disposable dental dappen dish and applied directly onto the area of cavitated lesion using a microbrush applicator for 1 minute. The teeth were dried with a cotton pellet before and after SDF treatment. Preoperative and postoperative 3D images of the teeth were obtained using micro-CT (Skyscan Bruker 1275, Micro Photonics, Allentown, PA). Preoperative images served as a negative control. Three dimensional reconstruction of the raw images was performed by CTReconn software. Preoperative regions of interest (ROI) were applied to the postoperative reconstructions using the coregistration function in the DataViewer software. Results: It was possible to visualize and quantify SDF on micro-CT reconstructed images due to the radiopacity of the silver ions. The volume of SDF ranged from 29.60% to 65.18% of the original carious lesions (Table 1). No radiopaque layer consistent with silver was observed in the preoperative images. Conclusions: Silver in SDF is detectable and quantifiable using micro-CT. Future studies should use larger sample size, histological analyses and elemental composition of carious lesions to evaluate factors that could help in arresting carious lesions.