Influence of a novel self-priming etchant on bond-strength to glass-ceramics
Objectives: Evaluating the influence of a novel self-priming ceramic etchant (Monobond Etch, MBEP) on micro-tensile bond strength (MTBS) to leucite reinforced (IPS Empress CAD) and lithium-disilicate reinforced (IPS e.max CAD) glass-ceramic CAD/CAM blocks. Methods: CAD/CAM blocks were cut to 6 mm thick samples. Surface treatment for IPS Empress CAD groups was: 1. no HF acid, no silane; 2. 60 s HF acid, no silane; 3. 60 s HF acid, silane; 4. MBEP applied for 20 s and left for 40 s; 5. MBEP applied for 20 s and left for 100 s. IPS e.max CAD samples were treated: 6. 20 s HF, silane; 7. MBEP applied for 20 s and left for 40 s. Sandblasted composite blocks (Lava Ultimate) of the same size were cemented to the samples using a dual-cure resin cement (RelyX Ultimate). All specimens were sectioned with a precision saw to obtain 0.64 mm2 sticks, which were tested after 72 hours of water storage for MTBS, using a universal testing machine (Instron) at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min. For statistical analysis a 1 way ANOVA with Games-Howell post-hoc test was performed at α=0.05. Results: Mean MTBS values are displayed in Table 1. Conclusions: Bond strength to leucite reinforced glass ceramic using a self-etching primer is comparable to using HF acid and silane. However, using the self-etching primer on lithium-disilicate reinforced glass-ceramic might be a challenge with the given protocol.
AADR/CADR Annual Meeting
2016 AADR/CADR Annual Meeting (Los Angeles, California) Los Angeles, California
2016 0061 Dental Materials 4: Adhesion
Phark, Jin-ho
( University of Southern California
, Los Angeles
, California
, United States
Alshabib, Abdulrahman
( University of Southern California
, Los Angles
, California
, United States
Alsobiyl, Haifa
( University of Southern California
, Los Angles
, California
, United States
Sartori, Neimar
( University of Southern California
, Los Angeles
, California
, United States
Duarte Jr., Sillas
( University of Southern California
, Los Angeles
, California
, United States
Oral Session
Adhesion to Indirect Restorations and Orthodontic Appliances
, 02:30PM - 04:00PM
Table 1
MTBS in MPa ± SD
Pre-testing failure/number of sticks
IPS Empress CAD
1. no HF, no silane
21.45 ± 12.98 a
2. 60s HF, no silane
33.31 ± 11.75 b
3. 60s HF, silane
44.88 ± 14.40 c
4. MBEP 20+40s
41.92 ± 10.74 c
5. MBEP 20+100s
45.15 ± 11.16 c
IPS e.max CAD
6. 20s HF, silane
49.50 ± 11.15 c
7. MBEP 20+40s
5.62 ± 8.45 d
Same letters are not significantly different (p>0.05)