IADR Abstract Archives

Correlation Between Translucency and Light Irradiance Through Clear PVS Materials

Objectives: Clear PVS materials can be used as a matrix through which composite is cured. This study evaluated the correlation between the translucency and light irradiance through clear PVS materials.
Methods: Specimens (n=5) of 4 clear PVS materials (see tables) were dispensed into Teflon molds (diameter=12mm) of 5 different thicknesses (2mm, 4mm, 6mm, 8mm, 10mm). Specimens were placed against calibrated white and black backgrounds and L*a*b* values were taken using a spectrophotometer (CM-700d; Konica Minolta). The translucency parameter was measured as the difference in color using ΔE00. For light irradiance, each PVS specimen was placed onto a spectrophotometer‘s sensor (MARC Light Collector, BlueLight Analytics) to measure irradiance transmitted through the specimens from a light curing unit (Valo Cord, Ultradent, irradiance=1100mW/cm2). All specimens were light-exposed in the Standard mode for 5s (V100045, Valo Corded, Ultradent). The irradiance (mW/cm2) was calculated by dividing the power (mW) by the 10mm diameter of the integrating sphere aperture (A=0.785cm2). Translucency and light irradiance were analyzed separately through two-way ANOVA (factors: brand and thickness) and Tukey post-hoc run where appropriate. Correlation between translucency and light irradiance of materials for each thickness was evaluated with Pearsons coefficient using SPSS.
Results: The mean ± standard deviation of the translucency and light irradiance are presented (see tables). Two-way ANOVA was significant for both factors and their interaction (p<.01), so individual one-way ANOVA and Tukey post-hoc performed; significant differences are indicated with lowercase letters in each row and uppercase letters in each column. Materials were significantly less translucent and allowed less curing light irradiance as they increased in thickness. There was a strong correlation between the translucency and light irradiance of different materials at each thickness (r=.893)
Conclusions: When curing composite through clear PVS materials, light irradiance is influenced by the PVS thickness and brand and correlated with its translucency.

2024 IADR/AADOCR/CADR General Session (New Orleans, Louisiana)
New Orleans, Louisiana
Dental Materials 7: Color and Appearance (Esthetics)
  • Machado, Nadia  ( UAB School of Dentistry , Birmingham , Alabama , United States )
  • Rocha, Mateus  ( University of Florida , Gainesville , Florida , United States )
  • Robles, Augusto  ( University of Alabama at Birmingham , Birmingham , Alabama , United States )
  • Martins, Emerson  ( University of Alabama at Birmingham , Birmingham , Alabama , United States )
  • Lawson, Nathaniel  ( UAB School of Dentistry , Birmingham , Alabama , United States )
  • Rojas, Melody  ( University of Florida , Gainesville , Florida , United States )
  • All materials other than Clear Bite were donated by their companies
    Dr. Lawson has received grants and honorarium from GC and Clinicians Choice. He has received grants from Kulzer.
    Poster Session
    Color & Appearance (Esthetics) II
    Friday, 03/15/2024 , 03:45PM - 05:00PM
    Light transmission (mW/cm2)
    Affinity Crystal (Clinician747.2 +/-27.33aB605.2 +/-10.99bBC479.4 +/-16.95cB424 +/-13.93dC422.8 +/-28.37dC
    Clear Bite Matrix (DenMat)749 +/-28.12aB628 +/-16.91bB509 +/-12.92cB473.2 +/-12.76dB369 +/-18.34eB
    Exaclear (GC)904.4 +/-6.15aA845.2 +/-8.87bA754 +/-15.67cA762.6 +/-8.26cA700 +/-4.06dA
    Memosil 2 (Kulzer)760 +/-18.88aB571.8 +/-29.79bC484.4 +/-25.33cB422.8 +/-28.37dC334 +/-7.04eC
    significant differences are indicated with lowercase letters in each row and uppercase letters in each column
    Translucency (TP)
    Affinity Crystal (Clinician52.97 +/-2.49aB37.63 +/-1.02bC29.43 +/-2.01cB20.37 +/-3.63dB18.45 +/-1.8eB
    Clear Bite Matrix (DenMat)55.4 +/-2.98aB40.82 +/-1.07bB32.01 +/-3.89cB20.55 +/-0.93dB18.79 +/-1.29dB
    Exaclear (GC)67.03 +/-2.34aA51.38 +/-2.01bA44.57 +/-3.97cA34.43 +/-2.67dA28.61 +/-4.4eA
    Memosil 2 (Kulzer)50.63 +/-2.16aB28.13 +/-1.79bD19.16 +/-1.25cC12.01 +/-1.48dC9.01 +/-0.99eC
    significant differences are indicated with lowercase letters in each row and uppercase letters in each column