IADR Abstract Archives

Bond Strength and Anti-Microbial of SDF With KI and STS

Objectives: Silver Diamine fluoride (SDF) is a clear, odorless liquid used to in the treatment of dental caries. Its use results in dark staining of carious enamel and dentin. Potassium Iodide (KI) and Sodium thiosulfate (STS) are two compounds that can decolorize the tooth structure. Our study evaluates the effect of using these decolorizers on the bond strength and antimicrobial properties of SDF.
Methods: With an in vitro experimental design, a total of 20 tooth specimens were divided into four treatment groups. The specimens were treated with SDF (Riva Star 1st step), SDF/KI (Riva Star 1st then 2nd Steps), SDF/STS (Riva Star 1st then STS 0.4g/mL), or left untreated (control). For antimicrobial test, the teeth were inoculated with Escherichia coli in 2% LB solution and incubated for 24 hours. Serial dilutions were performed and they were cultured for two days. The original clone forming units (CFUs) for each group were calculated. To test the shear bond strength, the tooth specimens after SDF treatment were etched with 35% phosphoric acid, primed with Scotchbond Universal adhesive, and were bonded to 3.5 mm diameter rod surface using Premium Flow Nano Composite (Henry Schein) with an Ultradent shear bond strength jigs. They were then tested using Instron 5566A with a 1kN load cell at 1mm/min crosshead speed. The tooth shade and color (L*a*b*) was measured using a Vita EasyShade V at pre-treatment, 1 day post treatment, 1 week post treatment, and 2 weeks post treatment. Color changes ΔE 2000 were calculated. The differences of SBS, CFU and ΔE 2000 among groups were analyzed one-way ANOVA Tukey test using JMP Pro 16.
Results: Table 1 shows the shear bond strength, Figure 1 shows the CFU after the treatment, and Table 2 shows the color difference after treatment.
Conclusions: No significantly difference in shear bond strength was found among the four groups. Samples treated with SDF with KI showed significantly less antimicrobial activity than SDF and SDF/STS. KI treatment showed a greater ability to decolorize SDF compared to STS.

2024 IADR/AADOCR/CADR General Session (New Orleans, Louisiana)
New Orleans, Louisiana
  • Lao, Qi  ( Boston University , Boston , Massachusetts , United States )
  • Tang, Xiaoren  ( Boston University , Boston , Massachusetts , United States )
  • Giordano, Russell  ( Boston University , Boston , Massachusetts , United States )
  • Fan, Yuwei  ( Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine, Boston University , Boston , Massachusetts , United States )
  • None
    Poster Session
    SCADA: Basic and Translational Science Research
    Thursday, 03/14/2024 , 11:00AM - 12:15PM
    Table 1
     Shear Bond Strenght (MPa)
    TreatmentNMeanStd DevCV
    Shear Bond strength of resin composite onto dentin surface after different SDF treatments
    Table 2
     DE Day 1DE Week 1DE Week 2
    GroupNMeanStd DevCVNMeanStd DevCVNMeanStd DevCV
    Table of post treatment color changes of the tooth in different treatment groups at Day 1, Week 1, and Week 2.