IADR Abstract Archives

Keynote Address: Responsive Materials-Based Strategies to Combat Cariogenic Biofilms and Their Mechanisms of Action

Abstract Body: Dental caries is an infectious and transmissible disease caused by bacteria that colonize the tooth surfaces: however, unlike most other infectious diseases, caries formation is driven by bacterial dysbiosis and changes to the oral environment. In this talk, we will examine dynamic materials science-based strategies that can achieve the targeted disruption, suppression, and/or elimination of cariogenic oral biofilms as a means to restore symbiosis.

2022 IADR/APR General Session (Virtual)

  • Nair, Devatha  ( University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus , Aurora , Colorado , United States )
  • Interactive Talk Session
    Keynote Address; Antimicrobial Materials
    Wednesday, 06/22/2022 , 08:00AM - 09:30AM