IADR Abstract Archives

Adhesive Properties of Universal Adhesives Containing Zinc/Copper Nanoparticles After 2-Years

Objectives: To evaluate the effect of addition of zinc oxide and copper nanoparticles (ZnO/CuNp) at different concentrations into a universal adhesive, on the immediate (IM) and 2-year (2y) resin-dentine bond strength (μTBS), nanoleakage (NL) and presence of copper within hybrid layer.
Methods: Three experimental universal adhesives were formulated according to the amount of ZnO/CuNp (0% [control], 5/0.1 and 5/0.2 wt%) added in Prime&Bond Active universal adhesive (PBA). The adhesives were applied to flat occlusal dentine surfaces in etch-and-rinse (ER) or self-etch (SE) mode. After resin build-ups, specimens were longitudinally sectioned to obtain beam-like resin-dentine specimens (0.8 mm2), which were used for evaluation of μTBS, nanoleakage and presence of ZnO/CuNp within hybrid layer at the IM and 2y periods. Data were submitted to appropriate statistical analyses (α=0.05).
Results: μTBS values were maintaining with all adhesive-containing ZnO/CuNp (p > 0.05) in IM, but μTBS values were significantly higher in the ZnO/CuNp groups when compared with control after 2y. In addition, significantly lower NL was observed for ZnO/CuNp groups (p < 0.05) in IM and after 2y. For presence of ZnO/CuNp within hybrid layer, all adhesives present ZnO/CuNp after 2y.
Conclusions: The addition of ZnO/CuNp in the tested concentrations in the universal adhesive system PBA may be an alternative to prevent the degradation of the dentin-adhesive interface.

2022 IADR/APR General Session (Virtual)

Dental Materials 4: Adhesion
  • Gutierrez, Mario  ( Universidad de los Andes , Santiago , Chile )
  • Ñaupari-villasante, Romina  ( State University of Ponta Grossa , Ponta Grossa , Parana , Brazil )
  • Nuñez, Alejandra  ( State University of Ponta Grossa , Ponta Grossa , Parana , Brazil )
  • Fernandez, Eduardo  ( University of Chile , Santiago , Chile )
  • Loguercio, Alessandro  ( State University of Ponta Grossa , Ponta Grossa , Parana , Brazil )
  • NONE
    Interactive Talk Session
    Adhesion III
    Wednesday, 06/22/2022 , 08:00AM - 09:30AM