IADR Abstract Archives

Evaluating Fluoridated Borate Glass as a Potential Toothpaste Additive

Objectives: A novel soluble particle technology (Sensi-IP®) has been discovered and developed for use in toothpastes. The particle exhibits unprecedented mineralization capabilities and superior tubule occlusion versus state-of-the-art technology options. This study examines the toxicological risk, speed of mineralization, and impact of Sensi-IP® on relative dentin abrasion (RDA) and pellicle cleaning ratio (PCR).
Methods: Sensi-IP® was subjected to independent toxicological risk assessments per international standards as prepared via a melt quenching at 1200°C and processed to <25μm. Sensi-IP® specimens (n=3) were incubated in SBF (0.15g/100ml) at 0.5, 3, 12, and 24h. XRD and SEM-EDX analysis were completed to assess mineralization at each time point. Additionally, RDA was assessed on commercially available toothpaste with 5% loading of Sensi-IP® in accordance with ISO 11609 (n=8) using calcium pyrophosphate as a reference standard. PCR was tested on bovine enamel samples following 800 brushing cycles using the same test articles as above (n=8).
Results: Sensi-IP® exhibited rapid and progressive mineralization at each timepoint including at 0.5h and appears to promote the precipitation of fluoridated apatites. RDA values indicated that Sensi-IP® can be categorized as exhibiting low abrasivity. Similarly, PCR of the commercial toothpaste decreased from 135.20(±12.19) to 115.63(±13.74) following Sensi-IP® addition. No significant difference was found between either commercial control and Sensi-IP® in view of PCR.
Conclusions: Sensi-IP® has an MOS>1 for each constituent element indicating it is of low toxicological hazard and supports safety for intended use. From an efficacy standpoint, Sensi-IP® exhibits unprecedented mineralization characteristics and is capable of promoting fluoridated mineral formation without impacting toothpaste abrasivity or cleaning effectiveness.

2022 IADR/APR General Session (Virtual)

Dental Materials 5: Biocompatibility, Bioengineering and Biologic Effects of Materials
  • Macdonald-parsons, Kathleen  ( IR Scientific , Halifax , Nova Scotia , Canada )
  • Turner-cahill, Stephanie  ( IR Scientific , Halifax , Nova Scotia , Canada )
  • Thomas, Gavin  ( Intertek CRS , Hooton , Cheshire , United Kingdom )
  • Badrock, Thomas  ( Intertek CRS , Hooton , Cheshire , United Kingdom )
  • Boyd, Daniel  ( Dalhousie University , Halifax , Nova Scotia , Canada ;  IR Scientific , Halifax , Nova Scotia , Canada )
  • The authors disclose the following affiliations, and financial interests: Daniel Boyd, and Kathleen MacDonald are inventors of Sensi-IP®. Daniel Boyd, Kathleen MacDonald and Stephanie Turner-Cahill are shareholders and/or option holders in IR-Scientific.
    Interactive Talk Session
    Biomaterials and Therapeutic Compounds in Endodontics and Restorative Dentistry
    Wednesday, 06/22/2022 , 08:00AM - 09:30AM