IADR Abstract Archives

Multi-Omics Analysis of Subgingival Microorganisms in Type 2 Diabetes With Periodontitis

Objectives: To assess the shift of subgingival microbiome and metabolome in T2DM
Methods: Study participants enrolled in this study, include 10 T2DM patients with periodontitis (DP), 10 T2DM patients without periodontitis (DNP), 10 periodontitis patients (P) and 11 healthy controls (H). An integrated approach of 16SrRNA gene sequencing combined with ultra high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (UHPLC–MS) based metabolomics was performed in T2DM population. Meanwhile, the network relationship among subgingival microorganism, metabolites, and blood glucose control level were analyzed.
Results: We found that the drift of the subgingival microbiome from healthy status to periodontitis status was less prominent in T2DM compared with nondiabetes (ND), and the clinical signs of disease were similar. Eubacterium nodatum group, Filifactor, Fretibacterium, Peptostreptococcus, Desulfovibrio, etc may play an important role in the pathopoiesia of periodontitis. In addition, a small number of dominant bacteria have network relationship. Subgingival microorganism in periodontitis patients had significant metabolic shift, and had their signature metabolites. Butyrate metabolism, phenylalanine metabolism, ABC transport system and other metabolism pathway, such as biphenyl degradation, unsaturated fatty acid synthesis, tryptophan metabolism, Two component system(TCS), may play an important role in type 2 diabetes with periodontitis. The network relationship among subgingival microorganism, metabolites, blood glucose control level were unbalanced.
Conclusions: This study identified the changes of the subgingival microbiome associated with periodontitis in T2DM, and bacterial flora and metabolism dysbiosis and its network relationship.

2022 IADR/APR General Session (Virtual)

Periodontal Research-Pathogenesis
  • Lanlan, Jiang  ( Guangxi medical university , Nanning , China )
  • Tao, Renchuan  ( Guangxi medical university , Nanning , China )
  • none
    Interactive Talk Session
    Systemic and Co-morbities I
    Wednesday, 06/22/2022 , 08:00AM - 09:30AM