IADR Abstract Archives

The Impact of COVID-19 on Dental Nursing in the UK

Objectives: Background: COVID-19 caused significant global disruptions and effectively halted dental care provision in the United Kingdom (UK) in March 2020.

Objectives: This retrospective study aimed to explore Dental Nurses' (DN) experiences during the phased return to work in June 2020. It explored their perceptions of the frequently updated national Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) and Aerosol Generating Procedure guidelines.
Methods: Ethical approval was granted by the University of Portsmouth (SHFEC-2021-075). A 34-item cross-sectional online survey was distributed on DNs' Facebook groups between July and August 2021. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in September 2021.
Results: There were 121 responses. 84% were from registered DNs, 31% held extended duty qualifications. Over 75% provided UK National Health Services (NHS), and 13% worked full-time with an average of 7.5 years of experience. 70% of DNs sourced information on IPC from governmental websites, 65% from television, and 49% from dental journals. For IPC guidance, 68% of DNs relied on the employer Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), 66% on the NHS SOPs, and 58% on government publications. 87% accessed guidance through their workplaces, 44% through their own research, and 37% through DN Association membership. 84% felt they had sufficient guidance and over half felt adequately prepared to resume work. 98% of participants received respirator fit testing. However, wearing the respirators was challenging due to discomfort (74%), barrier to communication (83%) and an overall increased workload (98%). Over 60% encountered financial, physical, and psychological impacts. Four themes emerged from interviews; confusion, reassurance, workload demands, and professional concerns.
Conclusions: Despite the significant impact of the pandemic on dental nursing professionals in the UK, DNs rose to the work challenges and demonstrated high levels of resilience, confidence, and passion for their role. Participants valued their in-house training but sought additional resources to ensure they resumed work safely and confidently.

2022 IADR/APR General Session (Virtual)

Education Research
  • Turkistani, Samia  ( University of Portsmouth , Waterlooville , United Kingdom )
  • Radford, David  ( University of Portsmouth , Waterlooville , United Kingdom )
  • Machuca-vargas, Carolina  ( University of Portsmouth , Waterlooville , United Kingdom )
  • Wallis, Tracy  ( University of Portsmouth , Waterlooville , United Kingdom )
  • Louca, Chris  ( University of Portsmouth , Portsmouth , United Kingdom )
  • NONE
    Interactive Talk Session
    Evidence-based Adaptations To Educational Challenges
    Wednesday, 06/22/2022 , 08:00AM - 09:30AM