IADR Abstract Archives

Bond Strength to Implant Abutment Materials and Chemical Polymerization Property of Self-Adhesive Resin Cements

Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the shear bond strength of self-adhesive resin cements to Titanium and Zirconia, and flexural strength of the cements with self-curing mode to confirm chemical polymerization property.
Methods: Shear bond strength to implant abutment materials and flexural strength of three self-adhesive resin cements: G-CEM ONE EM (GC), RelyX Unicem2 Automix (3M) and SA luting Multi (Kuraray) were measured. Pure-Titanium: T-Alloy (GC) and Zirconia: Aadva Zirconia ST (GC) were prepared for adherends as implant abutment materials. Adherends were embedded in acrylic resin, and their surfaces were polished with SiC #120 paper. After polishing, the surfaces were sandblasted with alumina powder (50 µm) at 0.40 MPa pressure. The adhesive area was isolated by Teflon tape (thickness; 0.10 mm) punched a hole (diameter; 3.0 mm). The resin cement was pressed on the adhesive area with a stainless rod. Then, test specimens were immersed in water at 37°C for 24 hours (24h) and applied thermal cycling (TC5000; 5-55 deg, 5000 times). Three-point flexural strength of the resin cements were measured in accordance with ISO 4049. The resin cements were filled in the mold (25×2×2 mm) and polymerized with self-curing mode. Then, test specimens were immersed in water at 37°C for 24h. Shear bond strength and flexural strength were measured by universal testing machine and applied the load at a cross-head speed of 1 mm/min (n=8). All data were statistically analyzed using one-way ANOVA and Tukey-Kramer multiple-comparison test.
Results: G-CEM ONE EM showed significantly higher shear bond strength to both adherends among the tested cements (P<.05). After thermal cycling, all three cements showed higher bond strength on both adherends than the initial adhesion of 24h. On the Zirconia, RelyX Unicem2 Automix showed significant difference of shear bond strength between 24h and TC5000 (P=.014). From the results of three-point flexural strength test, G-CEM ONE EM showed significantly higher flexural strength among the tested cements (P=.000). Consequently, bond durability of G-CEM ONE EM to Titanium and Zirconia might be shown by high chemical polymerization property.
Conclusions: High chemical polymerization property of self-adhesive resin cement can be promising high bond durability to implant abutment materials.

2022 IADR/APR General Session (Virtual)

Dental Materials 4: Adhesion
  • Kakinuma, Hiroaki  ( Tohoku University , Sendai , Miyagi , Japan )
  • Sasaki, Keiichi  ( Tohoku University , Sendai , Miyagi , Japan ;  Tohoku University , Sendai , Miyagi , Japan )
  • none
    Interactive Talk Session
    Adhesion II
    Wednesday, 06/22/2022 , 01:30PM - 03:00PM
     Shear bond strength [MPa]Flexural strength [MPa]
    Manufacture24 hTC 500024 hTC 5000Self-curing mode
    G-CEM ONE EM77.7 (9.7)A83.8 (7.9)A72.0 (5.3)A75.6 (9.1)A134.5 (6.0)A
    Unicem2 Automix54.4 (3.5)B62.3 (7.0)B*58.7 (3.1)B62.5 (8.1)B68.3 (8.0)B
    SA luting Multi65.3 (7.2)C67.9 (4.6)B59.3 (3.9)B63.5 (8.1)B79.5 (5.1)C
    Different capital letter individual column indicates significant difference (P<0.05). An asterisk indicates significant difference between 24h and TC5000 (P< 0.05).