IADR Abstract Archives

Tensile-bond-strength Performance of Selfadhesive Luting Materials with/without Silane

Objectives: Self-adhesive luting materials required priming of glass-ceramics with silane for high bond strength. To eliminate this extra priming step, new self-adhesive (SA) luting materials containing silane are being introduced. However, radically polymerizing and silane-free resin-modified glass-ionomer cements are commonly used to cement unsilanized glass-ceramics. Despite significantly different surface treatments both SA and RMGIC perform clinically well.
We investigated the benefit of silane-incorporation into SA cements using tensile-bond-strength (TBS) to compare performances of silane-containing SA Luting Multi (SALM, Kuraray) and silane-free SpeedCEM Plus (SCP, Ivoclar Vivadent).
Methods: Fired e.maxCAD (Ivoclar Vivadent) was allocated into four groups (N=5) regarding surface-treatment-steps "with/without etching" (5% HF) and "with/without silane treatment" (Monobond Plus, MBP, Ivoclarvivadent). Aging consisted of 24h@37°C/water or 10'000 thermocycles (5-55°C/30s).

ANOVA and Tukey’s range test were used to determine statistical differences (p<0.05).
Results: All unetched and unsilanized specimen debonded spontaneously. SALM led to higher TBS than SCP only on silanized surfaces, regardless of etching. On etched, but unsilanized surfaces SALM and SCP led to similar TBS before and after TC. If etched ceramic was silanized, SCP gave higher TBS than SALM on unsilanized ceramic. Curing mode (full self-cure SC, light-cure LC) was not relevant for ranking of performance.
Conclusions: Within this study's limitation, silane-integration in SALM did not improve tensile-bond-strength over that of silane-free SCP. SCP reached high tensile-bond-strength resistant to thermocycling on etched, but unsilanized surfaces. This observation is in keeping with RMGIs' clinically adequate function on unsilanized glass ceramic.
IADR/AADR/CADR General Session
2020 IADR/AADR/CADR General Session (Washington, D.C., USA)
Washington, D.C., USA
Dental Materials 4: Adhesion
  • Gianasmidis, Alexandros  ( IvoclarVivadent AG , Schaan , Liechtenstein )
  • Grabenbauer, Barbara  ( IvoclarVivadent AG , Schaan , Liechtenstein )
  • Brot, Andy  ( IvoclarVivadent AG , Schaan , Liechtenstein )
  • Catel, Delphine  ( Ivoclar Vivadent AG , Schaan , Liechtenstein )
  • Bock, Thorsten  ( Ivoclar Vivadent , Schaan , Liechtenstein )
  • Employee of Ivoclarvivadent.AG
    Oral Session
    Adhesive Procedure Variations
    Surface treatmentAging/CuringTBS (MPa)
    TC/LC/SC: Thermocycling/Lightcure/Selfcure