Effect of Sterilization on the Accuracy of 3D-Printed Surgical Guides
Objectives: To evaluate the accuracy of 3D-printed surgical guides before and after sterilization in a steam sterilizer Methods: A test model incorporating three implant-replicas was customized. Forty surgical guides were printed from five printable materials with eight guides each (Gr.1: Sheraprint-SG; Shera, Gr.2: NextDent SG; NextDent, Gr.3: V-Print SG; Voco, Gr.4: Optiprint guide 385; Dentona and Gr.5: LuxaPrint Ortho; DMG). An additional control group was made from self-curing composite-material (Gr.6: Luxatemp Fluorescence; DMG). Specimens were individually-tried on, relined and adapted for passive fit. Resulting spaces between the model and specimens were measured at standardized marked points at a load of 500 g (p1). Specimens were connected to 3 external implant replicas, scanned and the 3 resulting angles were digitally measured. All specimens were sterilized in a steam sterilizer at 121 degrees for 20 min at 2 bar. Resulting spaces (P2) and angulations were remeasured. Additionally, specimens were positioned again with an increased load up to 1800 g and space-measurements were repeated (P3). Results: All specimens were repositionable after sterilization. The smallest variation in space after sterilization at 500 g load was measured for Gr.3 with a median value of 428 µm, whereas the greatest was for Gr.5 at 1487 µm. Gr.2, 3 and 4 underwent significantly lesser deformation. With applying increased force up to a maximum of 1800 g, the smallest measured change was for Gr.4 with a median value of 94 µm, while the greatest was for Gr.1 at 260 µm. The variation in the three measured angles was not significant before and after sterilization with a maximum median variation of 1.6 degrees. Conclusions: The results show that the accuracy of surgical guides was affected by the used material as well as by the sterilization process but it was still clinically acceptable when increased load was applied while positioning. However, all surgical guides were repositionable after sterilization.
IADR/AADR/CADR General Session
2020 IADR/AADR/CADR General Session (Washington, D.C., USA) Washington, D.C., USA
2020 2091 Prosthodontics Research
Yazigi, Christine
( Christian-Albrechts University
, Kiel
, Schleswig-Holstein
, Germany
Chaar, M. Sad
( Christian-Albrechts-University at Kiel
, Kiel
, Germany
Busch, Reinhard
( Christian-Albrechts University
, Kiel
, Schleswig-Holstein
, Germany
Wille, Sebastian
( Christian-Albrechts University
, Kiel
, Schleswig-Holstein
, Germany
Kern, Matthias
( Christian-Albrechts University
, Kiel
, Germany
Poster Session
Prosthodontics: Implantology II
Table 1: Mean values of measured space for each group at the three defined measuring conditions.
Before sterilization (500 g load)
After sterilization (500 g load)
After sterilization (1800 g load)
144 ± 68 bc, A
1100 ± 106 ab, B
419 ± 120 ab, AB
125 ± 30 b, A
814 ± 275 a, B
308 ± 102 a, AB
149 ± 52 bc, A
623 ± 229 a, B
273 ± 74 a, AB
216 ± 48 cd, A
823 ± 186 a, B
290 ± 126 a, A
254 ± 5 d, A
1910 ± 552 b, B
509 ± 131 b, AB
58 ± 11 a, A
1374 ± 610 ab, B
348 ± 284 ab, A
* Mean values with the same capital upper-script letters within the same row are not statistically different (P>0.05).
** Mean values with the same small upper-script letters within the same column are not statistically different (P>0.05).
Table 2: Median values of variation in discrepancy for each group between initial measured space and spaces measured after sterilization in µm
Variation between P1 & P2
Variation between P1 & P3
955 cd
260 a
638 abc
178 a
428 a
138 a
581 ab
94 a
1487 d
250 a
1347 bcd
245 a
* Median values with the same small upper-script letters within the same column are not statistically different (P>0.05).
Table 3: Median values of angulation-variation for each group between initial situation and after sterilization in degrees