IADR Abstract Archives

Micromorphology/Elemental Analysis of Dental Tissues Treated with REFIX Technology

Objectives: The objectives of the investigation were evaluate the efficacy of a dentifrice containing the innovative REFIX Dental Technology to induce dentin tubule occlusion and enamel remineralization.
Methods: Dentin bovine blocks were acid-etched to simulate dentin hypersensitivity. Experimental groups for dentin analysis were (n=3): I-control, untreated group; II-immediate after brushing with the dentifrice; III-after 7 days of brushing with the product. Enamel bovine blocks (n=8) were also demineralized (artificial caries lesion), treated (caries lesion, pH cycling), and brushed with the dentifrice in the same evaluation times. Blocks were brushed in a Brushing Simulator Machine at 37°C for 2 min. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) analysis coupled with Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) was then performed after gold-sputtering the specimens to evaluate the elemental analysis of the structures and the morphological characteristics of surface/subsurface of enamel morphology and dentinal tubules.
Results: SEM surface and cross-sectional images of dentin demonstrated that the REFIX-containing dentifrice was effective to promote dentin tubules occlusion, irrespective of the brushing time. A deposited layer onto the dentin surface up to 3 µm was noted after brushing (fig.1). Fluorine, phosphorus, calcium, and silicon ions were observed in the EDS analysis. Dentin tubule blocking minerals seems to be related to the chemical composition of deposited minerals, such as hydroxyapatite enriched in silicon. SEM analysis also demonstrated that the REFIX-containing dentifrice was able to remineralize the enamel surface. This was demonstrated by a deposited mineral layer formed on the surface of enamel after brushing (around 20µm), especially after 7 days of use (fig.2). The presence of the same ions were observed in the deposited area onto the enamel surface and at the subsurface.
Conclusions: Based on the results the innovative REFIX Dental Technology is effective to provide dentin tubule occlusion and enamel remineralization at both the surface and subsurface areas.
IADR/AADR/CADR General Session
2020 IADR/AADR/CADR General Session (Washington, D.C., USA)
Washington, D.C., USA
Cariology Research-Fluoride & Ca-based Products
  • Vilhena, Fabiano  ( TRIALS - Oral Health & Technologies , Bauru , Brazil )
  • Polassi, Mackeler  ( UNIAN , São Paulo , Brazil )
  • Guedes, Alípio  ( UNIAN , São Paulo , Brazil )
  • D’alpino, Paulo Henrique  ( UNIAN , São Paulo , Brazil )
  • The presenter is a researcher of Dentalclean company.
    Poster Session
    Fluoride & Ca-based Products II
