Methods: Specimens were prepared by polishing sections of extracted human teeth on one face to produce a flat dentin surface with cleanly exposed dentinal tubules, and masking the non-polished faces with nail-enamel. Each specimen was then dipped in one of four test dentifrice solutions (low-concentration nano-HAP, higher concentration nano-HAP, low-concentration nano-HAP with 5% KNO3, or higher concentration nano-HAP with 5% KNO3) for 9 minutes daily at 37 degrees Celsius for 5 days. Between dippings, specimens were stored in humid conditions at 37 degrees Celsius. After 5 days, treated surfaces were examined both directly and in cross section by FE-SEM (S-4500, Hitachi).
Results: Surface coating and occlusion of dentinal tubules were observed in all specimens. However coating and occlusion were more marked in specimens dipped in higher concentration nano-HAP test solutions than in low concentration solutions, and greater in specimens dipped in KNO3-containing solutions than in those without KNO3.
Conclusions: We concluded that coating of the dentin surface and occlusion of dentinal tubules by nano-hydroxyapatite is both concentration-dependent and enhanced by the addition of potassium nitrate.