IADR Abstract Archives

Maternal/Infant Caries Prevention Program Impact on Children of HIV/AIDS Mothers

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of a caries prevention program addressed to infants and children of HIV/AIDS mothers at the CAPEI/UCV and CUH during the period of 2003 -2007. METHODS: A caries prevention program that consisted of a training of the HIV (+) mothers regarding oral hygiene practices of their children and to motivate parents to attend dental visits was established. One hundred ninety nine Venezuelan children aged 0 to 4 years of age were examined for dental caries at CAPEI/UCV and CHU. IRB consent forms were given to mothers that agreed to participate in the study. Dental data was collected in an instrument developed by the University Of Puerto Rico School Of Dentistry for recording early childhood caries using Estrand criteria. The dmft and dmfs indices were calculated for each subject. Statistical analysis was performed with descriptive statistics as means and percentages. RESULTS: After 5 years of execution and implementation of the program, 28%(55) children that had attend the CAPEI/UCV and CUH during 2003 -2007 presented rampant caries, 50% (99) are in restorative treatment and 22% (44) are caries free children in surveillance and control. The mean dmft indices for five years of the preventive program are the following: 2003, dmft = 12.3, 2004, dmft=10.3, 2005, dmft=7.0, 2006, dmft= 4.6, 2007, dmft= 2.4. A statistically significant caries reduction rate of between 16% to 20% was observed over the period of the program. (p = 0.015). The mean dmfs indices showed also a decreased rate of carious surfaces in the study period. CONCLUSION: Beneficial efforts has been made at the CAPEI/UCV to control caries in the children of HIV(+) mothers but still children present caries. More high intensive training and motivation is needed to reduce oral health problems in this high risk population.
IADR/CADR General Session
2008 IADR/CADR General Session (Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Behavioral, Epidemiologic, and Health Services Research
  • Guerra, Maria E.  ( University of Central de Venezuela, Caracas, DF, N/A, Venezuela )
  • Tovar, Vilma  ( University of Central de Venezuela, Caracas, DF, N/A, Venezuela )
  • Rodriguez, Ana  ( University of Central de Venezuela, Caracas, DF, N/A, Venezuela )
  • Garrido, Elinor  ( University of Central de Venezuela, Caracas, DF, N/A, Venezuela )
  • Blanco, Lucila  ( University of Central de Venezuela, Caracas, DF, N/A, Venezuela )
  • Leon, Jose Rafael  ( University of Central de Venezuela, Caracas, DF, N/A, Venezuela )
  • Lopez, Lydia  ( University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, PR, USA )
  • Oral Session
    Risk Indicators for Oral Disease