Resin Sealing of Sound and Carious Occlusal Surfaces: 4-year Rresults
Objectives: To investigate longevity and effectiveness of prophylactic and therapeutic fissure sealings of permanent molars. Methods: Prospective, split-mouth, RCT. Sound and carious occlusal surfaces on permanent molar teeth were included. At least one active initial or manifest occlusal caries should be included in each pair. During 2014-2015, 636 molars in patients aged 6-16 years were included. Prophylactic and therapeutic resin sealings were performed by 23 pediatric dentists and 24 dental hygienists from 12 Public Dental Health Care Services in Denmark. After stratification and randomization, each clinician used two of the six resin sealants: Clinpro Sealant (17%), Control Seal (17%), Delton FS+ (18%), Grandio Seal (15%), UltraSeal XT hydro (16%), and UltraSeal XT+ (17%). The treatments were annually followed clinically and radiographically. Chi-square test and Kaplan-Meier survival were applied for statistical analyses. Results: A total of 62 teeth were excluded because of lacking control examinations. Analyses were performed on 574 molar teeth; 155 (27%) prophylactic and 419 (73%) therapeutic resin sealings. After 4.4 years, 79% of prophylactic sealings and 72% of therapeutic sealings were well-functioning, 20% of prophylactic sealings and 22% of therapeutic sealings were repaired/replaced by new sealing, and 1% of prophylactic sealings and 6% of therapeutic sealings were restored (p<0.05). The 4-year survival rate for prophylactic sealings not replaced by restorations was 99% and it was 94% for therapeutic sealings (p<0.01). The survival rates for all kind of retreatment and caries progression did not differed between prophylactic and therapeutic sealings (p>0.05). Brand of sealants or clinicians did not influence the survival of the sealings (p>0.05). Conclusions: More therapeutic sealings than prophylactic sealings were retreated (repaired/renewed/replaced). Brand of sealants did not influence the longevity and effectiveness of the resin sealings after 4 years. A longer observation period is needed for final conclusions.
IADR/AADR/CADR General Session
2019 IADR/AADR/CADR General Session (Vancouver, BC, Canada) Vancouver, BC, Canada
2019 0090 Cariology Research-Clinical & Epidemiological Studies
Bakhshandeh, Azam
( University of Copenhagen
, Copenhagen N
, Denmark
Borum, Mette
( Public Dental Health Care Service
, Aarhus
, Denmark
Møller, Kirsten Dynes
( Public Dental Health Care Service
, Gentofte
, Denmark
Andersen, Tove Rokkedal
( Public Dental Health Care Service
, Hørsholm
, Denmark
Qvist, Vibeke
( University of Copenhagen
, Copenhagen N
, Denmark
Sponsors of fissure sealants: 3M (Clinpro Sealant), VOCO (Control Seal and Grandio Seal), Dentsply (Delton FS+), Ultradent (UltraSeal XT hydro and UltraSeal XT+)