IADR Abstract Archives

Remineralizing Copper Doped Phosphate Glass-Polyacrylate Paste for Biomimetic Dentin Repair

Objectives: Objectives: The objective of this study was to investigate the remineralizing potential of an experimental paste based on degradable phosphate glass and polyacrylic acid
Methods: Methods: 1 mm thick human dentin discs were etched with 37% phosphoric acid for 5hrs and treated with the experimental paste for 1 to 8 weeks. The remineralization was assessed by scanning electron microscopy/Energy Dispersive X-ray (SEM/EDX) and optical coherence tomography (OCT). Untreated etched dentin was used as a control.
Results: Results: Etching regime used in this study produced a surface demineralized layer of 120±30 mm; subsurface demineralization layer of 100-300 mm was also observed. After treatment with the experimental paste for 1 week, remineralization of dentin was observed. The depth of the remineralized layer was 60±23 mm; this layer, however, appears inhomogeneous, with several pitted and frayed areas. Increasing the treatment time increases the depth of remineralization; the remineralized layer became fairly homogenous but varies in thickness across the entire dentin. The thickness of the remineralized layer reaches 313±6 mm after 8 weeks. As detected from EDX analysis, the intensity of phosphate (P) increased after treatment with the experimental paste; copper (Cu) was also detected in dentin and its intensity increased with time.
Conclusions: This experimental paste could be potentially used in remineralizing dentin produced by caries or acid etching particularly in areas where adhesives fail to penetrate.
IADR/AADR/CADR General Session
2019 IADR/AADR/CADR General Session (Vancouver, BC, Canada)
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Dental Materials 2: Polymer-based Materials
  • Abou Neel, Ensanya  ( King Abdulaziz University , Jeddah , Saudi Arabia ;  Tanta University , Tanta , Egypt ;  University College London , London , United Kingdom )
  • Mordan, Nicola  ( University College London , London , United Kingdom )
  • Knowles, Jonathan  ( University College London , London , United Kingdom ;  Dankook University , Cheonan , Korea (the Republic of) )
  • Bozec, Laurent  ( University of Toronto , Toronto , Ontario , Canada ;  University College London , London , United Kingdom )
  • NONE
    Oral Session
    Dental Materials 2: Polymer-based Materials II
    Wednesday, 06/19/2019 , 08:30AM - 10:00AM