Evaluating the Validity of a Short Form of ICDAS in Examining OH Behaviors and OHRQoL
Objectives: To examine the relationship between oral health (OH) behaviors, OH-related quality of life (OHRQoL), and caries using the total score of a short form of the International Caries Detection and Assessment (ICDAS) as a patient summary measure for caries compared to the total score of the full ICDAS. Methods: Participants were 13-14 years-old children attending public schools in the Kuwait. Dental examinations were performed using the ICDAS criteria and children completed a previously validated OH behaviors and OHRQoL questionnaires. OH behaviors as predictors of caries level and caries as a predictor for OHRQoL were examined. The short and long forms of ICDAS were compared. Results: Total of 424 children (61.6% males and 38.4% female) participated. The full ICDAS and the short ICDAS were highly correlated (r=0.901, p<0.001). Both the full and the short ICDAS showed similar relationships with OH behaviors and OHRQoL. Children who brushed their teeth once-a-day or less had significantly higher levels of caries compared to children who brushed their teeth more than once-a-day (p<0.05). Every unit increase in the sugar consumption frequency was associated with an increase in the total score of the full ICDAS of 4 units and the short ICDAS of 2 units. Every unit increase in total score of the full ICDAS was associated with 0.500-unit increase in the total OHRQoL scores, 0.22-unit increase in oral symptoms and functional limitations scores, and 0.069-unit increase in the emotional well-being score compared to 0.854, 0.35, 0.35-units with the short ICDAS, respectively. Conclusions: The proposed short form of the ICDAS demonstrated similar relationships with oral health behaviors and OHRQoL compared to the full ICDAS. The frequency of brushing and sugar consumption were the only examined behaviors associated with caries level. Caries was mainly affecting children through oral symptoms and functional limitations.
IADR/AADR/CADR General Session
2019 IADR/AADR/CADR General Session (Vancouver, BC, Canada) Vancouver, BC, Canada
2019 0091 Cariology Research-Clinical & Epidemiological Studies
Elsalhy, Mohamed
( University of New England
, Portland
, Maine
, United States
Behzadi, Sahar
( National School Oral Health Program
, Capital
, Kuwait
Lai, Hollis
( University of Alberta
, Edmonton
, Alberta
, Canada
Alsumait, Aishah
( National School Oral Health Program
, Capital
, Kuwait
Flores Mir, Carlos
( University of Alberta
, Edmonton
, Alberta
, Canada
Amin, Maryam
( University of Alberta
, Edmonton
, Alberta
, Canada