IADR Abstract Archives

Correlation of Severity of Periodontal Disease With Haemoglobin Levels

Objectives: To correlate mild, moderate and severe chronic periodontitis with hemoglobin levels
To evaluate the gender differences in the severity of periodontal disease with hemoglobin levels
Methods: Among the patients visiting the outpatient clinics of Saveetha Dental College, a total of 320 patients diagnosed with mild (n= 125), moderate (n=95) and severe (n=100) chronic periodontitis were included based on the criteria by the American academy of Periodontology in 1999. Approval from the Institutional Ethical Committee and informed consent from the patients was obtained. Patients > 18 years of age, with no systemic disease, not undergoing any periodontal treatment and a minimum of 20 teeth in the oral cavity were included. Under aseptic conditions venous blood was collected from the antecubital fossa and Haemoglobin (Hb) estimation was done. Periodontal findings [probing depth and clinical attachment loss (CAL)] and Hb values were recorded and the data was tabulated. Statistical analysis was done using SPSS statistics (V22). Mean and standard deviations were calculated and the Pearson correlation analysis was done to correlate Hb values with the CAL in all groups
Results: There was a decrease in the Hb levels with an increase in the CAL in both males and females. The Pearson correlation showed a negative correlation between the Hb levels and CAL across the groups in both males and females .
Conclusions: Periodontitis has a systemic effect and the cytokines produced inhibit erythropoiesis leading to reduction in RBCs and Hb levels. Scientific literature describes the anaemia in chronic periodontitis and proves that periodontal treament leads to increased Hb levels. This study show that Hb levels decrease as the CAL increases. It can be concluded that treating periodontal diseases at an early stage can help prevent the onset of other diseases like anaemia.
IADR/PER General Session
2018 IADR/PER General Session (London, England)
London, England
Oral Health Research
  • Arjunkumar, Radhika  ( Saveetha Dental college , Chennai , Tamil Nadu , India )
  • NONE
    Oral Session
    Epidemiological Aspects of Oral and Systemic Health
    Wednesday, 07/25/2018 , 09:30AM - 11:00AM