Effects of Silver Diamine Fluoride on Dentin Bond Strength
Objectives: To evaluate the bonding efficacy of adhesive systems to dentin treated with silver diamine fluoride (SDF) using different protocols. Methods: Micro-shear bond strength (MSBS) to sound human dentin was investigated using three adhesive systems: Clearfil SE bond 2 (CSE; Kuraray Noritake Dental), Scotchbond Universal (3M ESPE) in both self-etch (SBU) and phosphoric-acid (PA) etching (SBT) modes, each in four experimental subgroups (n=10) depending on SDF (Advantage Arrest, Elevate Oral Care) pre-treatment of dentin before bonding. Control: treated with deionized water (no SDF pretreatment). P1: SDF applied for 10 s, no rinse. P2: SDF applied for 10 s, rinsed off after 1 min. PR: superficial dentin polished off with #600 grit SiC paper after 24 h following P1. After application of the adhesives, composite cylinders (0.79 mm D, 1 mm H) were bonded to specimens in each group and stored in deionized water at 37°C for 24 h prior to MSBS testing. Data were analyzed using two-way ANOVA and post hoc tests (α=0.05). Results: Adhesives, SDF and their interaction were significant factors (p<0.05). Overall P1 showed the greatest reduction in MSBS which was significant (p<0.05) for all adhesives. P2 improved bonding compared to P1 but less so than PR across all groups. SBT and CSE groups performed not significantly different using P2 (p>0.05). SBT and CSE groups using PR were not statistically different from controls (p>0.05). Conclusions: The application of SDF may significantly decrease the bond strength of composite to dentin depending on the protocol and adhesive system used. Rinsing with water spray for 15 s improved bond strength but superficial refreshing of SDF treated dentin prior to bonding showed the highest bond strength. The two-step self-etch adhesive and the universal adhesive in PA-etching mode showed better performance than universal adhesive alone on SDF treated dentin.
IADR/AADR/CADR General Session
2017 IADR/AADR/CADR General Session (San Francisco, California) San Francisco, California
2017 1859 Cariology Research-Fluoride & Ca-based Products
Lutgen, Paul
( University of Washington School of Dentistry
, Seattle
, Washington
, United States
Chan, Daniel
( University of Washington School of Dentistry
, Seattle
, Washington
, United States
Sadr, Alireza
( University of Washington School of Dentistry
, Seattle
, Washington
, United States
; Tokyo Medical and Dental University
, Tokyo
, Japan
Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship at the University of Washington School of Dentistry