IADR Abstract Archives

Effects of Fluoride Concentration and Treatment Time on Lesion De-/Remineralization

Objectives: The aim was to determine the effects of fluoride treatment time and concentration on caries lesion de-/remineralization and fluoridation under pH cycling conditions.
Methods: The study design was based on a 3 (fluoride concentration: 0; 275; 1250ppm as sodium fluoride solutions) × 4 (treatment time: 10; 30; 60; 120s) factorial design (12 groups in total). Early caries lesions were created in polished bovine enamel specimens (n=18 per group) and pH cycled for 18d as per table 1.
Lesions were analyzed using Vickers surface microhardness before and after the pH cycling phase and the change in hardness was calculated (ΔVHN). Enamel fluoride uptake (EFU) was determined using the microbiopsy technique. Data were analyzed using two-way ANOVA (p<0.05).
Results: The concentration×treatment time interaction was significant for both ΔVHN (p<0.0001) and EFU (p=0.0298). Dose-response relationships were observed for both variables for fluoride concentration and treatment time. Tables 2 and 3 show means±standard deviations and the results of the statistical analysis.
Conclusions: Increasing fluoride exposure time will enhance fluoride’s anticaries efficacy. Increasing fluoride concentrations may potentially compensate for shorter exposure times.
IADR/AADR/CADR General Session
2017 IADR/AADR/CADR General Session (San Francisco, California)
San Francisco, California
Cariology Research-Demineralization/Remineralization
  • Lippert, Frank  ( Indiana University School of Dentistry , Indianapolis , Indiana , United States )
  • Maarafi, Ali  ( Indiana University School of Dentistry , Indianapolis , Indiana , United States )
  • Levon, John  ( Indiana University School of Dentistry , Indianapolis , Indiana , United States )
  • Soto-rojas, Armando  ( Indiana University School of Dentistry , Indianapolis , Indiana , United States )
  • Chu, Tien-min Gabriel  ( Indiana University , Indianapolis , Indiana , United States )
  • Eckert, George  ( Indiana University School of Medicine , Indianapolis , Indiana , United States )
  • Hara, Anderson  ( Indiana University School of Dentistry , Indianapolis , Indiana , United States )
  • This study was supported through a Dental Master's Thesis Award by the Delta Dental Foundation.
    Oral Session
    Cariology Research-De/Remineralization Mechanisms
    Wednesday, 03/22/2017 , 08:30AM - 10:00AM
    Table 1. Daily pH Cycling Regimen
    8:00-8:02amFluoride Treatment
    8:02-10:00amArtificial Saliva
    10:00am-2:00pmCariogenic Challenge
    2:00-4:00pmArtificial Saliva
    4:00-4:02pmFluoride Treatment
    4:02pm-8:00amArtificial Saliva

    Table 2. ΔVHN data
    0ppm F18.9±7.8bA*18.5±7.7cA17.5±9.1cAB13.3±8.7cB
    275ppm F40.3±16.9aB46.5±19.0bB60.4±29.9bB84.3±26.9bA
    1250ppm F61.8±31.7aC85.5±60.6aBC114.9±70.9aAB129.8±30.0aA
    *small letter – comparisons within treatment time; capital letter – comparisons within fluoride concentration
    Table 3. EFU data [μgF/cm2]
    0ppm F246±89cB276±141cAB270±93cAB343±125cA
    275ppm F1979±1009bC2382±964bBC2623±1216bB4364±1166bA
    1250ppm F5400±3619aC8538±9531aB10760±6204aA10069±4596aA