IADR Abstract Archives

Basic Research for Early Detection of Oral Frailty

Objectives: Oral frailty, the early sign of weakness of orofacial muscle and functional deterioration, demonstrate negative influences to dental-treatment and swallowing. Age-related changes in hyoid bone positon suspect to decreasing swallowing safety. We assessed the hyoid bone (HB) position related to aging.
Methods: 459 patients (Male: 144, Female: 315, 22-84 years old) of lateral cephalometric radiograph were reviewed retrospectively. All the patients were divided into five groups by age. We defined 9 landmarks -S: Sella, N: Nasion, Me: Menton, C3: most inferior and anterior point on the corpus of the third cervical vertebra, H: anterior point of the HB, H1: upper position of HB, H2: lower position of HB, H’: shortest distance from H to C3-Me plane and H”: shortest distance from H to mandibular plane. The position of HB were assessed as horizontally (NSH1 and NSH2), rotation (H1C3H2) and vertical distance (H’-H and H”-H). These data was compared by each age group in each gender. Two factor analysis of valiance were performed by SPSS software.
Results: Significant differences were seen in the measurement of H’-H.
In the male group, the mean H’-H of the 22-29 age-group and the 60-84 age-group was 0.2mm and 9.7mm. In the female group, that was -4.3mm and -0.3mm.
In the male groups, significant differences were seen between the 22-29 age-group and all other groups in the measurement of H’-H and H”-H. Significant differences were seen in the 22-29 age-group and the 50-59 age-group, the 60-84 age-group in the measurement of NSH2.
In the female group, the measurement of NSH1 and NSH2 of the 22-29 age-group were significantly different that of the 30-39 age-group.
Conclusions: The hyoid bone position seems to be changed after the third decade. This change was observed more frequently in male group. This work was supported by KAKENHI (16K11523).
IADR/AADR/CADR General Session
2017 IADR/AADR/CADR General Session (San Francisco, California)
San Francisco, California
Diagnostic Sciences
  • Matsuda, Yukiko  ( Showa University , Tokyo , Japan )
  • Ito, Emi  ( Showa University , Tokyo , Japan )
  • Kuroda, Migiwa  ( Showa University , Tokyo , Japan )
  • Araki, Kazuyuki  ( Showa University , Tokyo , Japan )
  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant number :16K11523
    Oral Session
    Diagnostic Sciences I
    Wednesday, 03/22/2017 , 08:30AM - 10:00AM