IADR Abstract Archives

Village Level Nutritional Assessment of Children (0-5 years) in Rural Punjab, India as a Precursor to Oral Health

Objectives: The objective of this study was to collect baseline growth measurement data on children ages 0-5 in 9 rural villages in the Fatehgarh Sahib District of Punjab, India. The goal was to collect height and weight measurements on 100% of children ages 0-5 (for the purpose of
this report, a revised goal of 80% coverage was targeted due to time constraints). This village-wide analysis allowed us to understand the current nutritional status of children ages 0-5 of each village as a precursor to their optimal oral health.
Additionally, it will serve as baseline for future growth measurements in order to track each individual child’s growth over a specified time frame.
Methods: We used three methods; a central location, home station and house to house, to collect growth measurements (Height and Weight) using standardized equipment.
Data from each child was entered into WHO Anthro software for analysis (Weight for Height, Weight for Age, Height For Age and BMI for Age). This compares each child to WHO 2007 standards to determine if the child is severely over nourished, moderately over nourished, slightly over nourished, healthy, slightly undernourished, moderately undernourished, or severely undernourished.
Results: All 9 villages have a significant number of children falling below WHO 2007 standards for healthy growth for all 4 indicators.
Most significantly, overall, 52% of the study population (245/467) measured were underweight (ranging from 36%-52%).
Conclusions: These numbers are alarming, as these signs of malnourishment could be affecting each child’s physical and mental development and oral health. Village-wide intervention will need to take place in each village to positively change these statistics for the future. Children that are malnourished according to these indicators will be assessed individually for further analyses and treatment.

IADR/APR General Session
2016 IADR/APR General Session (Seoul, Korea)
Seoul, Korea
Oral Health Research
  • Singh, Tejinder  ( University of Utah , Salt Lake City , Utah , United States )
  • Eike, Daniel  ( University of Utah , South Jordan , Utah , United States )
  • Miller, Jill  ( Jill Miller Consulting , Salt Lake City , Utah , United States )
  • Thapar, Supriya  ( Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research , Chandigarh , India )
  • NONE
    Oral Session
    Community Oral Health I
    Wednesday, 06/22/2016 , 02:30PM - 04:00PM