IADR Abstract Archives

Survival and Success Rate of Calcium Oxidised Nano-pore Surface Titanium Implants: A Retrospective Study in 2487 Implants With at Least One Year Followup

Objectives: The aim of the present study is to evaluate success and survival rate of calcium oxidised nano-pore surface Titanium dental implants after 1 year of loading.
Methods: 1089 patients received 2487 Equinox Myriad® implants from January 2012 till June 2014. After loading, all patients were recalled for review at 6-month intervals. Data such as patient’s age, gender, length, diameter, location of implant placement, prosthesis type and objective parameters including pocket-probing depth, bleeding on probing, implant mobility were assessed. Radiographic crestal bone loss was evaluated by overlapping radiographs made with cone positioning jigs. The data were recorded electronically and verified with hand written registers. Implant survival was estimated using the Kaplan Meier survival analysis. Associations between implant survival and recorded variables were estimated using Cox proportional regression analysis.
Of the 2487 implants placed 52 patients (60 implants) were lost to follow up, these implants were censored from the data analysis. In the 2427 implants that reported for follow up 13 implants failed and were retrieved, 10 implants had screw loosening and 6 implants had screw fracture. At 1 year follow up, nano-pore surface implants that were evaluated in the study reported a cumulative survival rate of 99.9946%. Among the surviving implants evaluated in this study the incidence of screw loosening is 0.0041% and screw fracture is 0.00248%.
With a limited 1 year follow up the calcium oxidised nano-pore surface dental implants showed an excellent survival rate with extremely low prosthetic complications. Further evaluation is needed to assess the long term survival of these implants.
IADR/APR General Session
2016 IADR/APR General Session (Seoul, Korea)
Seoul, Korea
Implantology Research
  • Nesappan, Thiyaneswaran  ( Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals , Chennai , Tamilnadu , India )
  • Veeraiyan, Deepak  ( Saveetha University , Chennai , Tamilnadu , India )
  • NONE
    Oral Session
    Implantology Research: Prospective, Retrospective & Animal Studies
    Wednesday, 06/22/2016 , 02:30PM - 04:00PM