IADR Abstract Archives

Customised Intra Oral Anesthetic Technique for South Indian Races

Objectives: To determine the effectiveness of a new intraoral anesthetic technique(NIAT) against the classic Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block(IANB) in patients with irreversible pulpitis.
Methods: Ex-vivo study was done among 200 male and 200 female adult dry mandibles of south indian races(SIR). Out of the parameters analysed, mean distance from the tip of the lingual and internal oblique ridge was found out to be 11.7mm.Based on the ex-vivo study ,a new intraoral anesthetic technique(NIAT) was devised customised for SIR. Clearance for conducting the study was obtained from the Saveetha Review Board(SRB/SDMDS11ODS3) and Institutional Ethical Committee (IHEC/SDMDS11ODS3). Pilot study was conducted, based on which sample size was calculated to be 656 patients for power of 80.Patient were randomly allotted to two groups using Microsoft 2000 Excel program randomization software.In group 1 old technique– IANB was administered , the pain of injection administration was recorded in VAS Scale and also lip numbness was assessed and recorded, similarly was done for group 2 – NIAT. If profound lip numbness was not recorded within 15 minutes of the injection, the block was considered unsuccessful. Anesthesia was considered successful when two consecutive readings in pulp tester showed max output reading of 10 when obtained within 15 minutes of the injection.Also to be certain of the pulpal anaesthesia, the initial working length determination with 10# k-file should be painless for the block to be considered successful.Pain for needle insertion recorded using a 10-point Visual Analogue Scale (VAS).
Results: Comparisons between the two injection techniques for Anesthetic success of pulpal anesthesia was analyzed by chi-square test and Pain of needle insertion was analyzed by independent t-test.
CHI SQUARE TEST to compare anesthetic success among groups
INDEPENDENT T-TEST to compare the mean pain of needle insertion between techniques

Significant difference is observed among the two groups based on anesthetic success, Group I IANB (54%) and Group II NIAT (74.4%). Combined success rate of 64.2% was observed for injections given to 656 patients.
Conclusions: The new technique was found to have slightly better success as compared to the IANB. The pain of injection of NIAT was significantly lower as compared to the IANB .
IADR/APR General Session
2016 IADR/APR General Session (Seoul, Korea)
Seoul, Korea
Dental Anesthesiology Research
  • Raj, James  ( Saveetha Dental College , CHENNAI , India )
  • Ramesh, Sindhu  ( Saveetha Dental College , CHENNAI , India )
  • NONE
    Oral Session
    Anesthesia, Pain Control & Sedation: Efficacy, Toxicity & Special Care Patients I
    Wednesday, 06/22/2016 , 02:30PM - 04:00PM