IADR Abstract Archives

SEAL Cambodia – Retention Rates of ART Sealants According to Provider Type

Objectives: To assess GIC sealant retention rates related to different providers in the SEAL Cambodia project.
Methods: The SEAL Cambodia project involves placement of low viscosity GIC fissure protection on the first permanent molars of 60,000 6-8 year-old children between 2012 and 2016. The project involves five institutions in Phnom Penh, Cambodia; International University, University of Puthisastra, University of Health Sciences, and One-2-One Cambodia (the lead non-governmental organization). Children are selected depending on schools delegated to each organization by the School Health Department at the Ministry of Health. 100 children from each of the providers were selected based on the date of sealant placement. At baseline, data were collected on eruption status, and placement of fissure protection. At 6-month follow-up, data were collected on retention (partially and fully retained were classified as retained).
Results: 336/400 children (84%) were followed-up at 6 months; mean age 7.1±1.5 yr; 56.9% female. Most sealants were placed by Cambodian dental students (72.3%), others were placed by qualified dental nurses. After 6-months, a significant difference (P<0.05) in proportion of retained sealants existed: 68.7% sealant retention by dental nurses compared to 57.9% by dental students. No difference in retention among dental students by dental school existed.
Conclusions: Sealants placed by Cambodian dental nurses had greater retention rate compared to dental students. Dental students may benefit from further training and supervision in order to improve sealant retention.
IADR/APR General Session
2016 IADR/APR General Session (Seoul, Korea)
Seoul, Korea
Cariology Research-Clinical & Epidemiological Studies
  • Sreng, Ratanak  ( International University , Phnom Penh , Cambodia )
  • Turton, Bathsheba  ( University of Puthisastra , Phnom Penh , Cambodia ;  University of Melbourne , Melbourne , Victoria , Australia )
  • Chen, Pagna  ( International University , Phnom Penh , Cambodia )
  • Serey, Pisseth  ( International University , Phnom Penh , Cambodia )
  • Durward, Callum  ( University of Puthisastra , Phnom Penh , Cambodia )
  • Manton, David  ( University of Melbourne , Melbourne , Victoria , Australia )
  • GC corporation asia, Colgate, Camkids (Cambodian children's charity)
    Oral Session
    Cariology-Clinical Studies I
    Wednesday, 06/22/2016 , 02:30PM - 04:00PM