IADR Abstract Archives

Clinical Success Evaluation of Short Dental Implants

Objectives: The purpose of this in-vivo study was to evaluate the clinical success of short dental implants up to 3-years.
Methods: A total of 38 patients meeting the inclusion criteria were included in the study. 148 dental-implants (64 standard and 84 short) were placed either in the mandible or the maxilla. RFA analysis was conducted immediately after implantation, before loading and on 6th and 12th months of loading. Periapical radiographs were taken using parallel technique to evaluate the crestal bone loss. Descriptive analysis was done. Statistical analysis was made using 2-sample t-test to compare ISQ values and crestal bone loss (α=0.05).
Results: Mean age was 48.08±9.8 years. No implant loss was observed in either group other than one short dental-implant placed in the maxillary first molar region which was lost prior to loading. Higher mean ISQ values were observed for standard implants (73.5±6.3 and 76.1±7.6) compared to short dental implants (70.2±9.6 and 71.9±8.2) both after placement and before loading, respectively. However, there was no statistically significant difference between the ISQ values of short (ISQ6 months=76.2±5.8 and ISQ12 months=77.7±5.7) and standard implants (ISQ6 months=78.2±5.7 and ISQ12 months=80.3±4.1) after loading on either measurement time (p6 months=0.212 and p12 months=0.141). Although mean marginal crestal bone loss was smaller for short dental implants, no statistically significant difference was observed between two groups on any of the measurement time.
Conclusions: Within the limitations of this study, no statistically significant difference was observed between two groups for dental implant success. However, longer observation time is necessary.
IADR/APR General Session
2016 IADR/APR General Session (Seoul, Korea)
Seoul, Korea
Implantology Research
  • Benlidayi, Emre  ( Cukurova Universityersitesi , Balcali, Adana , Turkey )
  • Ucar, Yurdanur  ( Cukurova Universityersitesi , Balcali, Adana , Turkey )
  • Tatli, Ufuk  ( Cukurova Universityersitesi , Balcali, Adana , Turkey )
  • Ekren, Orhun  ( CUKUROVA UNIVERSITY , Adana , Turkey )
  • Kisa, Halil  ( Cukurova Universityersitesi , Balcali, Adana , Turkey )
  • Evlice, Burcu  ( Cukurova Universityersitesi , Balcali, Adana , Turkey )
  • Baksi, Uygar  ( Cukurova Universityersitesi , Balcali, Adana , Turkey )
  • Nucleoss, Turkey
    Oral Session
    Implantology Research: Prospective, Retrospective & Animal Studies
    Wednesday, 06/22/2016 , 02:30PM - 04:00PM