IADR Abstract Archives

Ascorbic Acid-based Carbon Dots as Carrier of miR-2861 to Promote Differentiation of Osteoblast

Objectives: To compare the effect of ascorbic acid-based carbon dots(CD) and ascorbic acid(AA) on osteogenic differentiation of bone marrow stromal cells(BMSCs), and to confirm microRNA-2861(miR-2861) loaded CD can promote osteogenic differentiation of BMSCs synergeticly.

Methods: The CD were synthesized by microwave assisted pyrolysis method utilizing mixed liquor of AA and PEI25K. The size and were fluorescence spectrum were examined by high resolution transmission electron microscope and fluorescence spectrophotometer. BMSCs were incubated with CD, and the cell imaging of CD were observed by fluorescence microscope, and the expression of osteogenic gene were measured by real-time PCR. The CD were used as carrier of miR-2861, which can promote differentiation of osteoblast, then transfected BMSCs. The expression of miR-2861 and osteogenic gene were examined. Mineralization was assessed using modified alizarin red staining method.

Results: The size of CD is 2-5 nm. The fluorescence emission of CD is excitation wavelengths-dependent, which is typical characteristic of CD. The CD show good cell imaging effect, and most of them locate in the cytoplasm. Compared with AA, the CD have a better effect on osteogenic differentiation of BMSCs, which is revealed by real-time PCR. Cells transfected by CD/miR-2861 have dramatically enhanced expression of miR-2861, compare with non-transfected cells and PEI/miR-2861 transfected cells. Real-time PCR and alizarin red staining show that CD/miR-2861 can promote the expression of osteogenic gene and mineralization of BMSCs.

Conclusions: The CD have a good ability of cell imaging, and a better effect on osteogenic differentiation of BMSCs. And the CD can be used as carrier of miR-2861 to promote osteogenic differentiation of BMSCs synergeticly.

IADR/APR General Session
2016 IADR/APR General Session (Seoul, Korea)
Seoul, Korea
Dental Materials 5: Biocompatibility, Bioengineering and Biologic Effects of Materials
  • Bu, Wenhuan  ( Jilin University , Changchun , China )
  • Xu, Xiaowei  ( Jilin University , Changchun , China )
  • Wang, Dandan  ( School and Hospital of Stomatology,Jilin University , Changchun , China )
  • Zhu, Shoujun  ( Jilin University , Changchun , China )
  • Zhang, Kai  ( Jilin Univrsity , Changchun , China )
  • Sun, Hongchen  ( Jilin University , Changchun , China )
  • National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grand No.81271111)
    Oral Session
    Bioactivity of Materials for Dental Treatment
    Wednesday, 06/22/2016 , 02:30PM - 04:00PM