IADR Abstract Archives

Artificial Floors Used Under MTA or Nano-filled Resin Modified Glass Ionomer for the Repair of Furcaion Perforation

Objectives: To compare the clinical performance and tissue reaction of MTA and Nano-filled resin modified glass ionomer (nRMGI), either alone or over calcium sulphate artificial floor, when used to repair furcation perforations in dogs.
Methods: The study involved 120 teeth from 6 healthy adult male dogs. Perforations were created on the pulp chamber floors of 96 teeth that their canals were filled with gutta percha and sealer. The 96 teeth were divided into four experimental groups (n=24 teeth) and additional 24 healthy unprepared teeth were used as control. The perforations were sealed with MTA alone, MTA over calcium sulphate as artificial floor, nRMGI alone and nRMGI over the artificial floor. All access cavities were filled with composite resin and teeth were evaluated clinically and radiographically. Two dogs were sacrificed after 1, 3 and 6 months. The experimental tooth along with the surrounding alveolar bone were cut in block sections for tissue response histological evaluation. The data were collected and statistically analyzed using ANOVA, Chi square test and Parson Test.
Results: There were no significant differences in the tissues responses between teeth treated with the different materials clinically and histological for one and three months. At 6-month interval, calcium sulphate under MTA showed significantly less epithelial proliferation bone resorption and inflammation followed by MTA alone, calcium sulphate under n and nFRMGI alone. Molar was significantly better than premolar for perforation repair. Mandibular teeth revealed statistically significant improved bone formation and less epithelial tissues compared to the maxillary teeth.
Conclusions: Artificial floor improved the success rate of the repair material for furcation perforation and MTA allowed better healing that nFRMGI.
IADR/APR General Session
2016 IADR/APR General Session (Seoul, Korea)
Seoul, Korea
Dental Materials 5: Biocompatibility, Bioengineering and Biologic Effects of Materials
  • Alhadainy, Hatem  ( Tanta University , Tanta , Egypt )
  • Alademi, Adel  ( Faculty of Dentistry , Taiz , Yemen )
  • Farag, Ali  ( Tanta University , Tanta , Egypt )
  • Azma, Nahed  ( University of Tanta , Tanta , Egypt )
  • NONE
    Oral Session
    Bioactivity of Materials for Dental Treatment
    Wednesday, 06/22/2016 , 02:30PM - 04:00PM