IADR Abstract Archives

Graphene Induces Osteoblastic and not Odontoblast Differentiation of Dental Pulp Stem Cells

Objectives: To investigate the ability of graphene in isolation to induce odontogenic and osteogenic differentiation in dental pulp stem cells (DPSC)
Methods: Single layer graphene was manufactured on copper foil by chemical vapour deposition. A co-culture system was set including four groups composed by glass (Gl) or graphene (Gp) as either source (S) or destiny (D) substrate. Dental pulp stem cells were seeded on both subtrates and treated with medium from either GlS or GpS. After 14 and 28 days maintenance, bone-related genes (RUNX2, COL-I and OCN) and dentin-related genes (MSX-1, PAX and DMP) were evaluated by RT-PCR (n=9, each group). RUNX2, COL-I and OCN expressions were further assessed by immunofluorescence. Statistical analysis was performed with Mann–Whitney test (a=0.05).
Results: All the odontoblastic genes (MSX-1, PAX and DMP) were down-regulated by Gp substrates comparing to Gl. There was up-regulation of bone-related genes and proteins (RUNX2, COL and OCN) on Gp. In addition, by transferring the medium from GpS to GlD, the latter showed downregulation of odonto-related genes and higher gene and protein expression of bone markers, confirming that the Gp does induce the osteogenic differentiation of DPSC.
Conclusions: Gp supports osteogenic differentiation for DPSC by up-regulating bone-related markers, but failed to support odontogenic differentiation for DPSC by down-regulating dentin-related markers.
IADR/APR General Session
2016 IADR/APR General Session (Seoul, Korea)
Seoul, Korea
Dental Materials 5: Biocompatibility, Bioengineering and Biologic Effects of Materials
  • Xie, Han  ( National University of Singapore , Singapore , Singapore )
  • Chuaky, Melissa  ( National University of Singapore , Singapore , Singapore )
  • Islam, Intekhab  ( National University of Singapore , Singapore , Singapore )
  • Cao, Tong  ( National University of Singapore , Singapore , Singapore )
  • Gomes, José Viana  ( National University of Singapore , Singapore , Singapore )
  • Castro Neto, Antonio Helio  ( National University of Singapore , Singapore , Singapore )
  • Rosa, Vinicius  ( National University of Singapore , Singapore , Singapore ;  National University of Singapore , Singapore , Singapore )
  • Acknowledgments This research is supported by the National University Hospital System NUHSRO/2014/017/B2B/02, National University of Singapore R-221-000-061-133 and National Research Foundation R-144-000-295-281
    Oral Session
    Bioactivity of Materials for Dental Treatment
    Wednesday, 06/22/2016 , 02:30PM - 04:00PM