IADR Abstract Archives

Structural Validity of the Korean Version of Child Oral Health Impact Profile Using Confirmatory Factor Analysis

Objectives: A structural validity reflecting the theoretical structure of a measurement needs to be supported by real data. Empirical support for the factor structure of the Child Oral Health Impact Profile (COHIP) has not been fully established. This study was designed to empirically evaluate the structural validity of the Korean version of COHIP (COHIP-K) using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and then to assess whether any of the factors in the structure could be grouped into a simpler single second-order factor, that may support the use of an integrated summary COHIP score.
Methods: Data were collected through self-reported COHIP-K responses from a representative community sample of 2,236 Korean children aged 8 to 15 years. Preplanned models were implemented by CFA and selected by comparison of model-fit. The whole dataset was divided into two and used for establishment of models and cross-validation, respectively. Mplus 7.0 program was used for CFA analysis.
Results: When the theoretical five-factor model was assessed, a large inter-factor correlation of 0.92, unacceptably high for two independent factors, was found between Functional and School Environment subscales, therefore two factors were combined into one factor, resulting in a four-factor structure. The revised four-factor model showed a reasonable fit after permitting appropriate inter-factor correlations (CFI=0.899, TLI=0.899, RMSEA=0.048, and SRMR=0.045). Additionally, the second-order model with four sub-factors was reasonable with sufficient fit and showed equal fit to the revised four-factor model. A cross-validation procedure confirmed the appropriateness of the findings (CFI=0.910, TLI=0.901, RMSEA=0.045, and SRMR=0.043).
Conclusions: Our analysis empirically supported a four-factor structure of COHIP-K, a summarized second-order model, and the use of an integrated summary COHIP score.
IADR/APR General Session
2016 IADR/APR General Session (Seoul, Korea)
Seoul, Korea
Oral Health Research
  • Kim, Hae-young  ( Korea University , Seoul , Korea (the Republic of) )
  • National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (2010-0002761).
    Oral Session
    Community Oral Health I
    Wednesday, 06/22/2016 , 02:30PM - 04:00PM