Thermafil vs Warm Vertical Techniques: A 7-year Retrospective Study of Root Canal Treatments
Objectives: This retrospective investigation recorded the 7-years clinical and radiographic outcomes of endodontic treatments performed with two obturation techniques. Methods: One-hundred-fifty-three endodontically treated teeth from 58 patients were involved (52 incisors-canines, 40 premolars, 61 molars). All root canal therapies were performed by postgraduate students attending a Master in Endodontology at the University of Bologna, under supervision by experienced tutors. Each canal was shaped with manual K-files. In Group 1 (N= 114) root canals were filled with TF (Maillefer, Switzerland) and in Group 2 (control group, CG) teeth were obturated with warm-gutta-percha (N= 39). AH Plus was used as a sealer. Teeth treated for pulpitis, for periapical lesions, retreated for prosthodontic reason, for exacerbated periapical lesions were involved. The preoperative periapical index (PAI) was used as scoring system. Following parameters were recorded: tooth-type, tooth-location, primary treatment/retreatment, coronal restoration, voids presence and apical extent of root canal filling. Teeth were judged healthy (PAI ≤2 and no clinical symptoms) or endodontically diseased (PAI ≥3, or presence of clinical symptoms and any reintervention) at the end-point. Extraction was defined as non-endodontic failure. The outcome assessment was blindly performed. The association between categorical variables and outcome was evaluated by means of χ2 test; Kaplan-Meyer survival analysis and Cox regression were carried out for failures. α level was a priori set at 0,05. Results: At the end-point, 18 teeth (15,80%) in TF Group and 11 teeth (28,20%) in CG were extracted for non-endodontic failures (fractures or periodontal reasons). No significant association was observed between outcome and tooth type, tooth location, coronal restoration, voids and final length of gutta-percha. Proportion of healings among teeth treated with TF was not statistically different form CG (χ2 = 2,61; p = 0,11). Conclusions: Results of the present study demonstrated similar healing rates to those reported by Literature with other obturation techniques.
IADR/AADR/CADR General Session
2015 IADR/AADR/CADR General Session (Boston, Massachusetts) Boston, Massachusetts
2015 3711 Dental Materials 4: Clinical Trials
Pirani, Chiara
( University of Bologna
, Bologna
, Italy
Tinarelli, Veronica
( University of Bologna
, Bologna
, Italy
Gatto, Maria Rosaria
( University of Bologna
, Bologna
, Italy
Iacono, Francesco
( University of Bologna
, Bologna
, Italy
Prati, Carlo
( University of Bologna
, Bologna
, Italy
Gandolfi, Maria Giovanna
( University of Bologna
, Bologna
, Italy